Bug 150882 - SQL error when sorting by bugs.votes with explicit direction

r=gerv x2
parent 901cdb79
......@@ -1357,10 +1357,9 @@ if ($order) {
$query =~ s/\sWHERE\s/ LEFT JOIN milestones ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product = bugs.product WHERE /;
# If we are sorting by votes, sort in descending order.
if ($db_order =~ /bugs.votes\s*(asc|desc){0}/i) {
$db_order =~ s/bugs.votes/bugs.votes desc/i;
# If we are sorting by votes, sort in descending order if no explicit
# sort order was given
$db_order =~ s/bugs.votes\s*(,|$)/bugs.votes desc$1/i;
$query .= " ORDER BY $db_order ";
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