Commit db654f60 authored by's avatar

Bug 280495: Replace "REGEXP" with Bugzilla::DB function call

Patch By Tomas Kopal <> r=wurblzap, a=myk
parent 62b2ec34
......@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ sub init {
my @andlist;
my %chartfields;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# First, deal with all the old hard-coded non-chart-based poop.
......@@ -677,9 +679,9 @@ sub init {
} elsif ($t eq "notequal") {
$oper = "<>";
} elsif ($t eq "regexp") {
$oper = "REGEXP";
$oper = $dbh->sql_regexp();
} elsif ($t eq "notregexp") {
$oper = "NOT REGEXP";
$oper = $dbh->sql_not_regexp();
} else {
$oper = "noop";
......@@ -950,10 +952,10 @@ sub init {
$term = "INSTR(LOWER($ff), " . lc($q) . ") = 0";
",regexp" => sub {
$term = "LOWER($ff) REGEXP $q";
$term = "LOWER($ff) " . $dbh->sql_regexp() . " $q";
",notregexp" => sub {
$term = "LOWER($ff) NOT REGEXP $q";
$term = "LOWER($ff) " . $dbh->sql_not_regexp() . " $q";
",lessthan" => sub {
$term = "$ff < $q";
......@@ -1434,6 +1436,7 @@ sub build_subselect {
sub GetByWordList {
my ($field, $strs) = (@_);
my @list;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
foreach my $w (split(/[\s,]+/, $strs)) {
my $word = $w;
......@@ -1443,7 +1446,7 @@ sub GetByWordList {
$word =~ s/^'//;
$word =~ s/'$//;
$word = '(^|[^a-z0-9])' . $word . '($|[^a-z0-9])';
push(@list, "lower($field) regexp '$word'");
push(@list, "lower($field) " . $dbh->sql_regexp() . " '$word'");
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ my $action = trim($::FORM{action} || '');
my $localtrailer = '<a href="editusers.cgi?">edit more users</a>';
my $candelete = Param('allowuserdeletion');
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# action='' -> Ask for match string for users.
......@@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ if ($action eq 'list') {
$query .= "like";
$matchstr = '%' . $matchstr . '%';
} elsif ($::FORM{'matchtype'} eq 'regexp') {
$query .= "regexp";
$query .= $dbh->sql_regexp();
$matchstr = '.'
unless $matchstr;
} elsif ($::FORM{'matchtype'} eq 'notregexp') {
$query .= "not regexp";
$query .= $dbh->sql_not_regexp();
$matchstr = '.'
unless $matchstr;
} else {
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