Commit e6ce645b authored by's avatar

Patch by Tom Schutter <> -- set component to 'GNATS Import' instead of $product

parent 80e66f43
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Gnats To Bugzilla Conversion Utility.
# Contributor(s): Tom Schutter <>
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
# exist, goto step 2.
# 8) Create a new, empty Bugzilla database.
# 9) Import the data using the command:
# mysql -uroot -p'ROOT_PASSWORD' < gnats2bz_data.sql
# mysql -uroot -p'ROOT_PASSWORD' bugs < gnats2bz_data.sql
# 10) Verify that the database is ok. If it is not, goto step 2.
# Important notes:
......@@ -90,8 +90,12 @@ my($gnats_username) = "gnats\";
# do not screw up any fields.
my($cleanup_with_edit_pr) = 0;
# Component name and description for bugs imported from GNATS.
my($default_component) = "GNATS Import";
my($default_component_description) = "Bugs imported from GNATS.";
# First generated userid.
my($userid_base) = 10;
my($userid_base) = 1;
# Output filenames.
my($cleanup_pathname) = "";
......@@ -696,13 +700,12 @@ sub write_bugs {
$version = SqlQuote($version);
my($product) = "";
my($component) = "";
if (defined($pr_data{"Category"})) {
$product = $pr_data{"Category"};
$component = $product;
$product = SqlQuote($product);
$component = SqlQuote($component);
my($component) = SqlQuote($default_component);
my($target_milestone) = "";
$target_milestone = SqlQuote($target_milestone);
......@@ -734,8 +737,9 @@ sub write_non_bugs_tables {
foreach $categories_record (@categories_list) {
my($component) = SqlQuote($default_component);
my($product) = SqlQuote(@$categories_record[0]);
my($description) = SqlQuote(@$categories_record[1]);
my($description) = SqlQuote($default_component_description);
my($initialowner) = SqlQuote(@$categories_record[2] . $username_suffix);
print DATA "\ninsert into products (\n";
......@@ -751,7 +755,7 @@ sub write_non_bugs_tables {
" value, program, initialowner, initialqacontact, description\n";
print DATA ") values (\n";
print DATA
" $product, $product, $initialowner, '', $description\n";
" $component, $product, $initialowner, '', $description\n";
print DATA ");\n";
......@@ -1009,4 +1013,3 @@ sub month2number {
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