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Commit e7d28afb authored by Frédéric Buclin's avatar Frédéric Buclin

Bug 677522: IssueEmailChangeToken() should get the old login name from the user object

r=timello a=LpSolit
parent 45a4eea5
......@@ -92,8 +92,9 @@ sub issue_new_user_account_token {
sub IssueEmailChangeToken {
my ($user, $old_email, $new_email) = @_;
my ($user, $new_email) = @_;
my $email_suffix = Bugzilla->params->{'emailsuffix'};
my $old_email = $user->login;
my ($token, $token_ts) = _create_token($user->id, 'emailold', $old_email . ":" . $new_email);
......@@ -445,7 +446,7 @@ Bugzilla::Token - Provides different routines to manage tokens.
use Bugzilla::Token;
Bugzilla::Token::IssueEmailChangeToken($user, $old_email, $new_email);
Bugzilla::Token::IssueEmailChangeToken($user, $new_email);
Bugzilla::Token::DeletePasswordTokens($user_id, $reason);
Bugzilla::Token::Cancel($token, $cancelaction, $vars);
......@@ -476,7 +477,7 @@ Bugzilla::Token - Provides different routines to manage tokens.
Returns: Nothing. It throws an error if the same user made the same
request in the last few minutes.
=item C<sub IssueEmailChangeToken($user, $old_email, $new_email)>
=item C<sub IssueEmailChangeToken($user, $new_email)>
Description: Sends two distinct tokens per email to the old and new email
addresses to confirm the email address change for the given
......@@ -484,7 +485,6 @@ Bugzilla::Token - Provides different routines to manage tokens.
Params: $user - User object of the user requesting a new
email address.
$old_email - The current (old) email address of the user.
$new_email - The new email address of the user.
Returns: Nothing.
......@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ sub SaveAccount {
my $oldpassword = $cgi->param('old_password');
my $pwd1 = $cgi->param('new_password1');
my $pwd2 = $cgi->param('new_password2');
my $old_login_name = $user->login;
my $new_login_name = trim($cgi->param('new_login_name'));
if ($user->authorizer->can_change_password
......@@ -120,7 +118,7 @@ sub SaveAccount {
&& Bugzilla->params->{"allowemailchange"}
&& $new_login_name)
if ($old_login_name ne $new_login_name) {
if ($user->login ne $new_login_name) {
$oldpassword || ThrowUserError("old_password_required");
# Block multiple email changes for the same user.
......@@ -134,8 +132,7 @@ sub SaveAccount {
|| ThrowUserError("account_exists", {email => $new_login_name});
Bugzilla::Token::IssueEmailChangeToken($user, $old_login_name,
Bugzilla::Token::IssueEmailChangeToken($user, $new_login_name);
$vars->{'email_changes_saved'} = 1;
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