Commit e92cc4c9 authored by's avatar

Bug 17453: Enumerators in Bugzilla are not cross-DB compatible. This removes all…

Bug 17453: Enumerators in Bugzilla are not cross-DB compatible. This removes all 'enum' types in the database from Bugzilla. Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <> r=joel, a=justdave
parent 80c0cdba
......@@ -50,14 +50,26 @@ use Date::Parse;
# Each field points to an array that contains the fields mapped
# to, in order.
our %specialorder = (
'bugs.target_milestone' => [ 'ms_order.sortkey','ms_order.value' ]
'bugs.target_milestone' => [ 'ms_order.sortkey','ms_order.value' ],
'bugs.bug_status' => [ 'bug_status.sortkey','bug_status.value' ],
'bugs.rep_platform' => [ 'rep_platform.sortkey','rep_platform.value' ],
'bugs.priority' => [ 'priority.sortkey','priority.value' ],
'bugs.op_sys' => [ 'op_sys.sortkey','op_sys.value' ],
'bugs.resolution' => [ 'resolution.sortkey', 'resolution.value' ],
'bugs.bug_severity' => [ 'bug_severity.sortkey','bug_severity.value' ]
# When we add certain fields to the ORDER BY, we need to then add a
# table join to the FROM statement. This hash maps input fields to
# the join statements that ned to be added.
our %specialorderjoin = (
'bugs.target_milestone' => 'LEFT JOIN milestones AS ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product_id = bugs.product_id'
'bugs.target_milestone' => 'LEFT JOIN milestones AS ms_order ON ms_order.value = bugs.target_milestone AND ms_order.product_id = bugs.product_id',
'bugs.bug_status' => 'LEFT JOIN bug_status ON bug_status.value = bugs.bug_status',
'bugs.rep_platform' => 'LEFT JOIN rep_platform ON rep_platform.value = bugs.rep_platform',
'bugs.priority' => 'LEFT JOIN priority ON priority.value = bugs.priority',
'bugs.op_sys' => 'LEFT JOIN op_sys ON op_sys.value = bugs.op_sys',
'bugs.resolution' => 'LEFT JOIN resolution ON resolution.value = bugs.resolution',
'bugs.bug_severity' => 'LEFT JOIN bug_severity ON bug_severity.value = bugs.bug_severity'
# Create a new Search
......@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
# Jacob Steenhagen <>
# Bradley Baetz <>
# Christopher Aillon <>
# Joel Peshkin <>
# Joel Peshkin <>
# Dave Lawrence <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
# Contains some global variables and routines used throughout bugzilla.
......@@ -225,12 +227,12 @@ sub GenerateVersionTable {
@::log_columns = (sort(@::log_columns));
@::legal_priority = SplitEnumType($cols->{"priority,type"});
@::legal_severity = SplitEnumType($cols->{"bug_severity,type"});
@::legal_platform = SplitEnumType($cols->{"rep_platform,type"});
@::legal_opsys = SplitEnumType($cols->{"op_sys,type"});
@::legal_bug_status = SplitEnumType($cols->{"bug_status,type"});
@::legal_resolution = SplitEnumType($cols->{"resolution,type"});
@::legal_priority = get_legal_field_values("priority");
@::legal_severity = get_legal_field_values("bug_severity");
@::legal_platform = get_legal_field_values("rep_platform");
@::legal_opsys = get_legal_field_values("op_sys");
@::legal_bug_status = get_legal_field_values("bug_status");
@::legal_resolution = get_legal_field_values("resolution");
# 'settable_resolution' is the list of resolutions that may be set
# directly by hand in the bug form. Start with the list of legal
......@@ -1026,22 +1028,13 @@ sub LearnAboutColumns {
return \%a;
# If the above returned a enum type, take that type and parse it into the
# list of values. Assumes that enums don't ever contain an apostrophe!
sub SplitEnumType {
my ($str) = (@_);
my @result = ();
if ($str =~ /^enum\((.*)\)$/) {
my $guts = $1 . ",";
while ($guts =~ /^\'([^\']*)\',(.*)$/) {
push @result, $1;
$guts = $2;
return @result;
# Returns a list of all the legal values for a field that has a
# list of legal values, like rep_platform or resolution.
sub get_legal_field_values {
my ($field) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $result_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT value FROM $field");
return @$result_ref;
sub UserInGroup {
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Matthew Tuck <>
# Max Kanat-Alexander <>
use strict;
......@@ -200,29 +201,6 @@ if (defined $cgi->param('rescanallBugMail')) {
print "OK, now running sanity checks.<p>\n";
# Check enumeration values
# This one goes first, because if this is wrong, then the below tests
# will probably fail too
# This isn't extensible. Thats OK; we're not adding any more enum fields
Status("Checking for invalid enumeration values");
foreach my $field (("bug_severity", "bug_status", "op_sys",
"priority", "rep_platform", "resolution")) {
# undefined enum values in mysql are an empty string which equals 0
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE $field=0 ORDER BY bug_id");
my @invalid;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push (@invalid, FetchOneColumn());
if (@invalid) {
Alert("Bug(s) found with invalid $field value: ".
# Perform referential (cross) checks
......@@ -352,6 +330,25 @@ CrossCheck("products", "id",
["flaginclusions", "product_id", "type_id"],
["flagexclusions", "product_id", "type_id"]);
# Check the former enum types
CrossCheck("bug_status", "value",
["bugs", "bug_status"]);
CrossCheck("resolution", "value",
["bugs", "resolution"]);
CrossCheck("bug_severity", "value",
["bugs", "bug_severity"]);
CrossCheck("op_sys", "value",
["bugs", "op_sys"]);
CrossCheck("priority", "value",
["bugs", "priority"]);
CrossCheck("rep_platform", "value",
["bugs", "rep_platform"]);
CrossCheck('series', 'series_id',
['series_data', 'series_id']);
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