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Bug 153583 - Links to obsoleted attachment should use line-through style
parent 7fac0596
......@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
.bz_private { color: darkred ; background : #f3eeee ; }
.bz_disabled { color: #a0a0a0 ; }
.bz_obsolete { text-decoration: line-through underline; }
table#flags th, table#flags td { vertical-align: baseline; text-align: left; }
......@@ -905,10 +905,12 @@ sub quoteUrls {
# attachment links - handle both cases separatly for simplicity
$text =~ s~((?:^Created\ an\ |\b)attachment\s*\(id=(\d+)\))
~<a href=\"attachment.cgi?id=$2&amp;action=view\">$1</a>~igx;
~GetAttachmentLink($2, $1)
$text =~ s~\b(attachment\s*\#?\s*(\d+))
~<a href=\"attachment.cgi?id=$2&amp;action=view\">$1</a>~igx;
~GetAttachmentLink($2, $1)
# This handles bug a, comment b type stuff. Because we're using /g
# we have to do this in one pattern, and so this is semi-messy.
......@@ -937,6 +939,60 @@ sub quoteUrls {
return $text;
# GetAttachmentLink creates a link to an attachment,
# including its title.
sub GetAttachmentLink {
my ($attachid, $link_text) = @_;
detaint_natural($attachid) ||
die "GetAttachmentLink() called with non-integer attachment number";
# If we've run GetAttachmentLink() for this attachment before,
# %::attachlink will contain an anonymous array ref of relevant
# values. If not, we need to get the information from the database.
if (! defined $::attachlink{$attachid}) {
# Make sure any unfetched data from a currently running query
# is saved off rather than overwritten
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id, isobsolete, description
FROM attachments WHERE attach_id = $attachid");
if (MoreSQLData()) {
my ($bugid, $isobsolete, $desc) = FetchSQLData();
my $title = "";
my $className = "";
if (CanSeeBug($bugid, $::userid)) {
$title = $desc;
if ($isobsolete) {
$className = "bz_obsolete";
$::attachlink{$attachid} = [value_quote($title), $className];
else {
# Even if there's nothing in the database, we want to save a blank
# anonymous array in the %::attachlink hash so the query doesn't get
# run again next time we're called for this attachment number.
$::attachlink{$attachid} = [];
# All done with this sidetrip
# Now that we know we've got all the information we're gonna get, let's
# return the link (which is the whole reason we were called :)
my ($title, $className) = @{$::attachlink{$attachid}};
# $title will be undefined if the bug didn't exist in the database.
if (defined $title) {
my $linkval = "attachment.cgi?id=$attachid&amp;action=view";
return qq{<a href="$linkval" class="$className" title="$title">$link_text</a>};
else {
return qq{$link_text};
# GetBugLink creates a link to a bug, including its title.
# It takes either two or three parameters:
# - The bug number
......@@ -35,11 +35,7 @@
[% IF !attachment.isprivate || canseeprivate %]
<tr [% "class=\"bz_private\"" IF attachment.isprivate %]>
<td valign="top">
[% IF attachment.isobsolete %]
<strike><a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% attachment.attachid %]&amp;action=view">[% attachment.description FILTER html %]</a></strike>
[% ELSE %]
<a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% attachment.attachid %]&amp;action=view">[% attachment.description FILTER html %]</a>
[% END %]
<a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% attachment.attachid %]&amp;action=view" [% "class=\"bz_obsolete\"" IF attachment.isobsolete %]>[% attachment.description FILTER html %]</a>
<td valign="top">
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