- 21 Feb, 2006 2 commits
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 287325: Ability to add custom plain-text fields to a Bug - Patch by Myk Melez <myk@mozilla.org> r=mkanat a=justdave
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
[SECURITY] Bug 313441: Query RSS should HTML-escape summary in <title> - Patch by Phil Ringnalda <philringnalda@gmail.com> r=myk a=justdave I forgot to specify the bug number in my previous checkin. That was bug 312498.
- 06 Jan, 2006 2 commits
myk%mozilla.org authored
Backing out fix for bug 287325 (initial implementation of custom fields): turns out the tree is not yet open for 2.24 checkins after all. I'll check this back in once the tree opens for 2.24 checkins, which lpsolit says will be in about a month.
myk%mozilla.org authored
Bug 287325: an initial implementation of custom fields, including the ability to add text custom fields via the command-line script customfield.pl, search them via the boolean charts, display and edit them on the show bug page, and see changes to them in bug activity; r=mkanat, glob
- 01 Nov, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 314269: Add email pref to not send mail about dependency changes - Patch by Todd Stansell <tjs@tellme.com> r=joel a=justdave
- 26 Oct, 2005 2 commits
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 72948: Default column list should include OS and not Platform - Patch by Olav Vitters <bugzilla-mozilla@bkor.dhs.org> r=wurblzap a=justdave
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 313020: Implement the ability to add individual bugs to saved searches - Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com> r=joel a=justdave
- 19 Aug, 2005 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
Patch by Joel Peshkin <bugreport@peshkin.net> r=mkanat, a=justdave
- 13 Aug, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 302418: re-enable sendmail support for Windows - Patch by byron jones (glob) <bugzilla@glob.com.au> r=wurblzap a=justdave
- 13 Jul, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 294160: Step 1 (RO): Create libraries for Products, Components, Classifications, Milestones, and Versions - Patch by Tiago R. Mello <timello@async.com.br> r=mkanat a=myk
- 08 Jul, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 299211: whine.pl fails if derive_groups is required - Patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com> r=LpSolit a=justdave
- 25 Jun, 2005 1 commit
lpsolit%gmail.com authored
Bug 298190: The "200 bugs" limit in buglist.cgi should be a constant, not a magic number - Patch by Tiago R. Mello <timello@async.com.br> r=kiko,justdave a=justdave
- 15 Jun, 2005 1 commit
mkanat%kerio.com authored
Patch By Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@bugzilla.org> r=colin, a=myk
- 30 Mar, 2005 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 73665 - migrate email preferences to their own table, and rearchitect email internals. Patch by gerv; r=jake, a=justdave.
- 16 Mar, 2005 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
Patch by Jason Remillard. r=myk a=myk
- 10 Mar, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Shane H. W. Travis <travis@sedsystems.ca> r=timeless a=myk
- 02 Mar, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Anne van Kesteren <bug@annevankesteren.nl> r=justdave a=justdave
- 19 Feb, 2005 1 commit
erik%dasbistro.com authored
Patch by Erik Stambaugh <erik@dasbistro.com> r=joel, r,a=justdave
- 18 Feb, 2005 1 commit
mkanat%kerio.com authored
Patch By Tomas Kopal <Tomas.Kopal@altap.cz> r=mkanat,a=myk
- 10 Feb, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Max Kanat-Alexander <mkanat@kerio.com> r=gerv,justdave a=justdave
- 19 Jan, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by Max K-A <mkanat@kerio.com> r=vladd a=justdave
- 17 Jan, 2005 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 276842: Move @default_column_list out of globals.pl into Bugzilla/Constants.pm; patch by Max K-A <mkanat@kerio.com>, r=vladd, a=myk.
- 08 Jan, 2005 1 commit
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch: travis r=mkanat a=justdave Also includes fixes for Bug 109573: New bugzilla accounts should by default have 'CC field changes' turned off, and Bug 275599: flag request email prefs not behaving correctly
- 21 Oct, 2004 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
- 27 Jul, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
r=kiko a=justdave
- 16 Jun, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
- 27 Mar, 2004 1 commit
kiko%async.com.br authored
Fix for bug 226754: Move InvalidateLogins into Bugzilla::Auth::CGI. Consolidates the logout code into Bugzilla::Auth::CGI, and provides simple front-end wrappers in Bugzilla.pm for use in the CGIs we have. r=bbaetz, joel; a=justdave. Adds a set of constants to the logout() API which allow specifying "how much" we should log out -- all sessions, the current session, or all sessions but the current one. Fixes callsites to use this new API; cleans and documents things a bit while we're at it. Part I in the great COOKIE apocalypse.
- 17 Mar, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 235459: add icalendar output format in buglist; patch by William Jon McCann <mccannwj@pha.jhu.edu>; r=vlad; a=justdave.
- 01 Mar, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
- 29 Feb, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 235459: add icalendar todo output format for buglist; patch by William Jon McCann <mccannwj@pha.jhu.edu>; r,a=justdave.
- 20 Jan, 2004 1 commit
justdave%syndicomm.com authored
a= justdave
- 11 Jan, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Bug 230293: Need User configurable CSV seperator, or return as text/csv MIME type; patch by Stephen Lee <slee@wilcoxassoc.com>; r=gerv; a=justdave.
- 05 May, 2003 1 commit
bbaetz%acm.org authored
r=joel, a=justdave
- 22 Mar, 2003 1 commit
bbaetz%acm.org authored
r=gerv, justdave a=justdave
- 25 Nov, 2002 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
Patch by joel r=bbaetz,justdave a=justdave