- 17 Jan, 2005 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 171478: XML bug output should include attachment flags; patch by Colin S. Ogilvie <colin.ogilvie@gmail.com>, r=wurblzap, a=myk.
- 16 Jan, 2005 5 commits
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 255428: Allow multiple user selection in CC pull downs; patch by John Beranek <john@redux.org.uk>, r=wurblzap, a=myk.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 265898: edit*.cgi files should all use ThrowUserError(); patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@gmail.com>, r=vladd, a=myk.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 190226: templatize editversions.cgi; patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org>, r=jouni, a=myk.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 190226: templatize editversions.cgi; patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org>, r=jouni, a=myk.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 103636: Support specifying a date on which a bug is expected to be resolved; patch by Alexandre Michetti Manduca <michetti@grad.icmc.usp.br>, r=jouni, a=myk.
- 15 Jan, 2005 2 commits
justdave%bugzilla.org authored
Patch by Gervase Markham <gerv@mozilla.org> r= justdave,vladd, a= justdave
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch by travis@sedsystems.ca r=timeless a=justdave
- 09 Jan, 2005 2 commits
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 277389: Modify flag notification code so it doesn't append emailsuffix to CC list's addresses; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=wurblzap, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 277013: provides a fix for the SQL error that appears when a user's vote confirms a bug; patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@netscape.net>, r=wurblzap, a=justdave.
- 08 Jan, 2005 3 commits
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch: LpSolit@netscape.net r=mkanat a=justdave
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Bug 277299: edit-multiple offers to change Target Milestone even if Param(usetargetmilestone) is off Patch: travis@sedsystems.ca r=LpSolit a=justdave
travis%sedsystems.ca authored
Patch: travis r=joini a=justdave
- 04 Jan, 2005 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
- 02 Jan, 2005 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
- 01 Jan, 2005 3 commits
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 163007 - remove accesskeys which conflict with browser accesskeys. Patch by gerv; r=justdave,vladd; a=justdave.
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 267671 - updates to the Bugzilla Helper to make it clearer and easier to use, and to set expectations appropriately. Patch by gerv; r=myk, a=justdave.
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 274419 - stop offering to forget a search which doesn't exist. Patch by gerv; r=justdave, vladd; a=justdave.
- 31 Dec, 2004 3 commits
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 275631: Only the first column (not all) should have excess CSS padding-left; patch by byron jones (glob) <bugzilla@glob.com.au>, r=gerv, r=vladd, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 272322: add a delete link to the editcomponents edit component page; patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org>, r=justdave, r=wurblzap, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 274710: Align correctly buglist CSS column classes for edit-multiple; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 29 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 272472: attachment.cgi shouldn't clobber windows.onload; patch by Christian Reis <kiko@async.com.br>, r=wurblzap, a=justdave.
- 27 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 275939: Classification templates use wrong filtering in URLs; patch by GavinS <bugzilla@chimpychompy.org>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 26 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 274392: Preserve search name when clicking Edit from Saves Searches in user prefs; patch by Rob Siklos <robzilla@siklos.ca>, r=glob, a=justdave.
- 21 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jake%bugzilla.org authored
Patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@netscape.net> r=myk, a=justdave
- 14 Dec, 2004 5 commits
myk%mozilla.org authored
Fix for bug 241814: properly trim component fields according to product selection in the request queue, flag type editing, and anywhere else that uses the same code; r=vladd, a=justdave
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 252889: Change Search.pm activity log joins to LEFT JOINS; patch by Joel Peshkin <bugreport@peshkin.net>, r=justdave, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 274236: Variable component overlaps in ThrowCodeError; patch by me, r=wurblzap (Marc), a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 274456: Fix the use of <label> tags and remove problems with the 'mark as new' checkbox; patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@netscape.net>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 274400: Safari should show the lock icons (the quoted value of the class attribute should be on the same line); patch by Nick.Barnes@pobox.com, r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 12 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 273873: bug-creation template for UNCONFIRMED shouldn't set status to NEW; patch by Nick.Barnes@pobox.com, r=justdave, a=justdave.
- 11 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 251502: Remove queryhelp.cgi (redundant, badly out of date); patch by me, r=wurblzap (Marc), r=gerv, a=justdave.
- 09 Dec, 2004 2 commits
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 233049: Improve error when filtering requests with component not in the selected product; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 182375: Do not permit flags with spaces or commas; patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@netscape.net>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 07 Dec, 2004 3 commits
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 262372: clicking on a column header shouldn't result in loss of defaultsavename; patch by Rob Siklos <rsiklos@adexa.com>, r=wurblzap, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 270589: Make t/008filter.t accept empty template directives; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=justdave, r=myk, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 258711: move.pl should honour emailsuffix; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=justdave, a=justdave.
- 05 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 268462: Make users able to mass-close mixed RESOLVED/VERIFIED states; patch by Shane H. W. Travis <travis@sedsystems.ca>, r=jouni, a=justdave.
- 03 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 237793: remove terms from incomplete data error message in bug activity, when suitable; patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@netscape.net>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 24 Nov, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 180879: Implement privs for bug flags modification; patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@netscape.net>, r=joel, a=justdave.