- 27 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 274650: checksetup flag fixup code shouldn't output text when all is ok and the silent mode is on; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=jake, a=justdave.
- 26 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 264160: Make all default groups inherit the admin group on a new install; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>, r=mkanat, r=travis, a=justdave.
- 14 Dec, 2004 3 commits
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 273935: avoid double-quoting dates in series_data table; patch by Vance Baarda <vrb@novell.com>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 244756: checksetup.pl shouldn't fail to remove product index from milestones table in upgrade from 2.14.x; patch by Max K-A <mkanat@kerio.com>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 274428: Make checksetup.pl fixup flagtypes with spaces or commas; patch by Nick.Barnes@pobox.com, r=wurblzap (Marc), a=justdave.
- 11 Dec, 2004 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 264662: Don't delete old chart data. We'll document the problems instead. Patch by gerv; r,a=justdave.
- 10 Dec, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 201554: remove un-necessary warning to non-root user with webservergroup access gave by checksetup.pl; patch by Rob Siklos <rsiklos@adexa.com>, r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 24 Nov, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 180879: Implement privs for bug flags modification; patch by Frédéric Buclin <LpSolit@netscape.net>, r=joel, a=justdave.
- 05 Nov, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 267543: Checksetup.pl should contain proper spacing in my$sth... statement; r=justdave, a=justdave.
- 22 Oct, 2004 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
fix for bug 256208: makes checksetup.pl create CVS-ignored skins/custom/ and children; r=gerv, a=justdave
- 20 Oct, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 264003: Include the DBI error in the error message if 'createdb' fails; patch by Byron Jones (glob) <bugzilla@glob.com.au>; r=kiko, a=justdave.
- 10 Oct, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 263165: Make Bugzilla specify table type as MyISAM when creating tables; patch by Byron Jones (glob) <bugzilla@glob.com.au>, r=kiko, a=justdave.
- 30 Sep, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 237769: use Administrator instead of root for super-user name in Windows, and change the ppm repository from Apache to the one maintained on landfill; patch by Byron Jones (glob) <bugzilla@glob.com.au>; r=vladd, a=myk.
- 25 Sep, 2004 2 commits
erik%dasbistro.com authored
kiko%async.com.br authored
images/. r,a=myk
- 15 Sep, 2004 1 commit
justdave%bugzilla.org authored
r=myk, a=justdave
- 14 Sep, 2004 1 commit
justdave%bugzilla.org authored
Bug 257534: Require Perl 5.8.1 or later when running on Windows with ActiveState Perl (there is no official CGI ppm build with a new enough version for Bugzilla on any earlier version of ActiveState Perl) Patch by Byron Jones <bugzilla@glob.com.au> r=justdave, a=justdave
- 11 Sep, 2004 1 commit
myk%mozilla.org authored
Fix for bug 215319: changes "flag requester" field in boolean charts to "flag requestee" field, which is what it should have been ("flag requester" can be queried via the "flag setter" field) r=justdave
- 09 Sep, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 257303: convert lastused field in logincookies from timestamp to datetime; patch by Tomas Kopal <Tomas.Kopal@altap.cz>; r=vladd, a=justdave.
- 03 Sep, 2004 1 commit
jocuri%softhome.net authored
Patch for bug 257419: make checksetup.pl quote database name in 'show table status' command; patch by Marc Schumann <wurblzap@gmail.com>; r=kiko, a=myk.
- 30 Aug, 2004 1 commit
gerv%gerv.net authored
Bug 225687 - add group controls to charts, along with various other cleanups. Patch by gerv; r=joel, a=justdave.
- 21 Aug, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
patch by Albert Ting r=joel, glob a=myk
- 11 Aug, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
patch by erik r=joel a=justdave
- 05 Aug, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
patch by: Erik r=joel r=jouni a=justdave
- 02 Aug, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
r=glob a=justdave
- 27 Jul, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
r=kiko a=justdave
- 22 Jul, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
r=gerv a=justdave
- 21 Jul, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
patch by erik r=joel, kiko a=myk
- 17 Jul, 2004 1 commit
justdave%bugzilla.org authored
Patch by Colin Olgilvie <colin.ogilvie@gmail.com> r=justdave, a=justdave
- 12 Jul, 2004 2 commits
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
patch by erik r=joel a=justdave
- 10 Jul, 2004 2 commits
kiko%async.com.br authored
single notch to avoid GIF-requirements in GD and 0.99 `confusioning'. r,a=justdave
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
r=bbaetz a=justdave
- 08 Jul, 2004 1 commit
dkl%redhat.com authored
Patch for bug 190432; saving a named query uses REPLACE INTO (not ANSI); patch by David Lawrence <dkl@redhat.com>; r=vladd; a=justdave
- 06 Jul, 2004 1 commit
jouni%heikniemi.net authored
r=joel, justdave a=justdave
- 04 Jul, 2004 1 commit
justdave%bugzilla.org authored
Bug 245101: Fixes non-fatal warnings about the "attachstatusdefs" table not existing during an upgrade from 2.14.x or older without going through 2.16.x in between. r=joel, a=justdave
- 16 Jun, 2004 2 commits
timeless%mozdev.org authored
r=vladd,justdave a=justdave
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
- 02 Jun, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
r=jouni a=myk
- 27 May, 2004 1 commit
bugreport%peshkin.net authored
r=jouni a=justdave