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account Bug 561745: Impossible to uncheck boxes in the Email preferences
admin Bug 494395: Implement the ability to mark custom fields as mandatory when
attachment Bug 560215: maxattachmentsize = 0 means that you cannot attach any file to bugs
bug Bug 565650: Add a new hook in the field-help template to allow custom fields
email Bug 395451 - "Bugzilla::BugMail needs to use Bug objects internally instead of direct SQL"
extensions Bug 542328: Make extensions/ give the extension's lib/ module a correct package name
flag Bug 540042: Change flag markup to identify flag type in all cases
global Bug 494395: Implement the ability to mark custom fields as mandatory when
list Bug 552647: CSS fixes for the search-direction arrows and the buglist table
pages Bug 555850: Make fields.html help on enter_bug happen when the user hovers
reports Bug 547496: Add IDs to some form elements
request Bug 556021: Remove "buglist" bareword from request queue page.
search Bug 554986: Add a "notmatches" search type, which allows the minus sign
setup Fix the data in the bzr repo to match the data in the CVS repo.
whine Bug 511216: Assignee is blank in Whine emails - Patch by Kent Rogers <> r/a=Lpsolit
config.js.tmpl Bug 357904: Create an object for a Field Value and have Bugzilla::Field->legal_values use it
config.rdf.tmpl Bug 553267: Allow specifying that you don't want flag data, for config.cgi Bug 555850: Make fields.html help on enter_bug happen when the user hovers
index.html.tmpl Bug 519858 - Move uncommonly used parameters out of the "Required" section and into a "General" and "Advanced" section
sidebar.xul.tmpl Bug 372979: Make voting into an extension
welcome-admin.html.tmpl Bug 519858 - Move uncommonly used parameters out of the "Required" section and into a "General" and "Advanced" section