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Support Bug 1158563: is unable to load File::Copy::Recursive installed in bugzilla/lib/
001compile.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules
002goodperl.t Bug 1074980: Forbid the { foo => $cgi->param() } syntax to prevent data override
003safesys.t Bug 1137669: 003safesys.t doesn't test any file due to a missing -T argument (and broken syntax in Support::Systemexec)
004template.t Bug 880282: Replace |FILTER no_break| by |class="nowrap"| to prevent dashes (U+002D) from being replaced by non-breaking hyphens/dashes (U+2011)
005whitespace.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules
006spellcheck.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules
007util.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules
008filter.t Revert Bug 330707 - Add optional support for MarkDown
009bugwords.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules
010dependencies.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules
011pod.t Bug 714724: Correctly encode emails as quoted-printable
012throwables.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules
013dbschema.t Bug 996893: Perl 5.18 and newer throw tons of warnings about deprecated modules