Commit 07fe09b9 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmgs: try checkout just version

parent b09a756d
......@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ do
alternate_tag1="$(echo "v$GSSETVERSION" | sed -e "s|\.|-|g")"
alternate_tag2="$(echo "REL_$GSSETVERSION" | sed -e "s|\.|_|g")"
alternate_tag3="$(echo "version_$GSSETVERSION")"
for i in v$GSSETVERSION $alternate_tag1 $alternate_tag2 $alternate_tag3 ; do
for i in v$GSSETVERSION $alternate_tag1 $GSSETVERSION $alternate_tag2 $alternate_tag3 ; do
git rev-parse $i >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && docmd git merge $i && rc=0 && break
[ "$rc" = "0" ] || fatal "Can't find tag for $GSSETVERSION version"
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