Commit 09b82b38 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

replace version if needed

parent 908f54a1
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
. `dirname $0`/../share/eterbuild/functions/common
. $ETERBUILDDIR/functions/rpm
. $ETERBUILDDIR/functions/repl
. $ETERBUILDDIR/functions/spec
......@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ do
echog "cleanup_spec for $i..."
cleanup_spec $i
# convert from PLD's cases
# convert from PLD's cases
subst "s|%if %{with \(.*\)}|%if_with \1|g" $i
subst "s|%if %{without \(.*\)}|%if_without \1|g" $i
# replaces with and without too
......@@ -111,6 +112,10 @@ do
# For case if name was macros
test -n "$BASENAME" && set_var $i Name $BASENAME
# For case if version was macros
# set_version is major define safe
test -n "$VERSION" && set_version $i $VERSION
echog -n "fix obsoleted constructions..."
subst "s|Source0:|Source:|" $i
subst "s|Patch0:|Patch:|" $i
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