docmd git checkout $USEBRANCH|| fatal "Can't checkout branch $USEBRANCH. Use $BPSPEC manually or remove it."
docmd git checkout $USEBRANCH|| fatal "Can't checkout branch $USEBRANCH. Use $BPSPEC manually or remove it."
# TODO: check result message for merge?
# TODO: check result message for merge?
docmd git merge --no-ff$CURBRANCH
docmd git merge --no-ff$CURBRANCH
mv-f$BPSPEC$SPEC|| fatal
# FIXME: Ctrl-\ and q will cancelled less with return error code
# FIXME: Ctrl-\ and q will cancelled less with return error code
if[-z"$QUIET"]&&tty-s&&!(echo"etersoft-build-utils INFO: Please check diff for backported spec:";echo"# etersoft-build-utils NOTE: You can press Ctrl-\ before quit for cancel process.";echo; git diff $USEBRANCH) | less;then
if[-z"$QUIET"]&&tty-s&&!(echo"etersoft-build-utils INFO: Please check diff for backported spec:";echo"# etersoft-build-utils NOTE: You can press Ctrl-\ before quit for cancel process.";echo; git diff $USEBRANCH) | less;then