Commit 14606a15 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmbph: fix case for freebsd

parent 3c8d4cfe
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ if [ "$DISTRNAME/$DISTRVERSION" = "ASPLinux/11.2" ] ; then
%__subst 's|readlink -m|readlink -f|g' libtool"
# fix readlink -mv, introduced by new libtool and missed in Generic (FreeBSD) (replace with realpath)
if [ "$PKGVENDOR" = "generic" ] ; then
# fix readlink -mv, introduced by new libtool and missed in FreeBSD (replace with realpath)
if [ "$PKGVENDOR" = "freebsd" ] ; then
test -z "$VERBOSE" || echo "Add subst readlink -mv"
%__subst 's|readlink -mv|realpath|g' libtool configure"
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