Commit 1a85f215 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

spec: make spec parsing more strict

parent 917c7ae1
......@@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ get_var()
# Hack: just print spec if -bE failed
# TODO: use rpm -showrc instead -bE for get main variables?
#if is_alt ; then
# $RPMBUILD -bE --target $DEFAULTARCH $RPMBUILDARG $@ || fatal "Check spec's fields"
# Hack: just print spec if -bE failed
if is_alt ; then
# on ALT we have to done without errors
$RPMBUILD -bE --target $DEFAULTARCH $RPMBUILDARG $@ || fatal "Check spec's fields"
$RPMBUILD -bE --target $DEFAULTARCH $RPMBUILDARG $@ 2>/dev/null || cat $1
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