Commit 2cead7b0 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmgs: add download script support (Source-script)

parent 982689b4
......@@ -170,6 +170,12 @@ function get_source_url()
#rhas "$GETSOURCEURL" "%" && fatal "some macro unexpanded in URL. Check $TMPSPEC"
# Source-script: .gear/
function get_source_script()
GETSOURCESCRIPT=$(source_ext "$1" script "$2")
function print_error()
echog "Can't find any spec file. It is possible you run this script not in git dir."
......@@ -475,7 +481,7 @@ do
#[ -f "$RPMSOURCEDIR/$FTB" ] && { echog "Tarball $FTB already exists in $RPMSOURCEDIR dir, skipping." ; continue ; }
# Test for eterbuild extensions (will set GETSOURCEURL or GETSOURCESVN)
get_source_url $spec $SN || get_source_git $spec $SN || get_source_svn $spec $SN
get_source_url $spec $SN || get_source_git $spec $SN || get_source_svn $spec $SN || get_source_script $spec $SN
#[ "$SN" = "Source1" ] && exit
#if ! rhas "$GETSOURCE" ".tar$" ; then
# warning "It is recommended to use .tar tarballs for sources ($FTB now)"
......@@ -487,6 +493,12 @@ do
elif [ -n "${GETSOURCEGIT}" ] ; then
is_gear $SPECDIR || fatal "Source-git works only with gear repo"
elif [ -n "${GETSOURCESCRIPT}" ] ; then
is_gear $SPECDIR || fatal "Source-script works only with gear repo"
#[ -x "$GETSOURCESCRIPT" ] || fatal "Can't find executable $GETSOURCESCRIPT"
bash -x $(get_root_git_dir)/$GETSOURCESCRIPT $GSSETVERSION "$FTB" || fatal "fatal with $GETSOURCESCRIPT"
# TODO: rewrite code to use original file format and temp. download dir
elif [ -n "${GETSOURCEURL}" ] ; then
if [ -z "$FORCEDOWNLOAD" ] && check_tarball "$FTB" ; then
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