Commit 31612bc4 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmbph: add -b REPONAME and -q (quiet) support

parent 98f3192f
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ add_changelog $SPECNAME -e "$ENTRY"
Usage="Usage: $name [-r -u -U -n -i -m -v] [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] spec..."
Usage="Usage: $name [-r -u -U -n -i -m -v -q] [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] [-b REPONAME] spec..."
function mygetopts()
......@@ -277,18 +277,22 @@ phelp()
echog " -u - sign and upload after build" # will pass to rpmbs/rpmbsh
echog " -n - do not build in hasher"
echog " -i - install built packages in test hasher" # will pass to rpmbs/rpmbsh
echog " -b REPONAME - binary repository name (4.1, 5.0, 5.1 and so on)"
echog "Ext. options:"
echog " -r - remote build" # will pass to rpmbs/rpmbsh
echog " -v - more verbose"
echog " -q - quiet"
# echog " -m - send result via e-mail"
while getopts :hniuv opt; do
while getopts :hniuvqb: opt; do
case $opt in
h) phelp; exit 0;;
n) NOBUILD=1;;
v) VERBOSE=1;;
q) QUIET=1;;
+?) echog "$name: options should not be preceded by a '+'." 1>&2; exit 2;;
# ?) echog "$name: $OPTARG: bad option. Use -h for help." 1>&2 ; exit 2;;
?) OPTIND=$((OPTIND-1)); break;
......@@ -316,6 +320,7 @@ test -z "$LISTNAMES" && fatal "file not found in '$@'"
if [ "$VENDOR" = "alt" ] ; then
[ -n "$BINARYREPONAME" ] && MDISTR=$(get_altdistr_mod $BINARYREPONAME)
test -z "$MDISTR" && fatal "Missed backport version (f.i. run with -M24 param for Master 2.4)"
[ "$MDISTR" = "SS" ] && fatal "It is senseless to backport to Sisyphus. Run with -$CURRENTBRANCHNAME for example."
DISTRVERSION=$(get_altdistr_version $MDISTR)
......@@ -373,7 +378,7 @@ if [ "$VENDOR" = "alt" ] && is_gear $SPECDIR ; then
git merge $CURBRANCH
# FIXME: Ctrl-\ and q will cancelled less with return error code
if tty -s && ! ( echo "etersoft-build-utils INFO: Please check diff for backported spec:" ; echo "# etersoft-build-utils NOTE: You can press Ctrl-\ before quit for cancel process."; echo ; git diff $USEBRANCH ) | less; then
if [ -z "$QUIET" ] && tty -s && ! ( echo "etersoft-build-utils INFO: Please check diff for backported spec:" ; echo "# etersoft-build-utils NOTE: You can press Ctrl-\ before quit for cancel process."; echo ; git diff $USEBRANCH ) | less; then
#git checkout $SPEC $MDISTR
#git checkout $CURBRANCH
fatal "User cancelled. You are still in $USEBRANCH branch with modified spec"
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