Commit 35c5edc9 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

small text

parent f9d21a7d
......@@ -269,8 +269,10 @@ do
if [ -n "${GETSOURCESVN}" ] ; then
is_gear $SPECDIR || fatal "Source-svn works only with gear repo"
elif [ -n "${GETSOURCEGIT}" ] ; then
is_gear $SPECDIR || fatal "Source-git works only with gear repo"
# TODO: rewrite code to use original file format and temp. download dir
elif [ -n "${GETSOURCEURL}" ] ; then
echog "Try to load ${GETSOURCEURL} for $spec"
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ for SPEC in $LISTNAMES ; do
test -n "$GSSETRELEASE" || GSSETRELEASE=$(get_txtrelease $SPEC)1
docmd $ETERBUILDBIN/rpmgs $SPEC $VER || fatal "Error with get source"
docmd $ETERBUILDBIN/rpmgs $SPEC $VER || fatal "Error within rpmgs"
add_changelog_helper "- new version $(get_version $SPEC) (with rpmrb script)" $SPEC || echog "Changelog entry already exists"
if is_gear ; then
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