Commit 36640504 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

use /etc/apt/sources.list if missed in apt.conf

parent afe442b9
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ print_tmp_sourceslist()
sed -e "s|\"/etc/.*apt/sources.list|\"$ETERBUILDETC/apt/sources.list|g" | \
grep "/sources.list" | sed -e 's|.*"\(.*\)".*|\1|g'`
[ -n "$SLIST" ] || SLIST="/etc/apt/sources.list"
test -r "$SLIST" || fatal "'$SLIST' - sources.list path from $1 is missed"
if [ "$BUILDARCH" = "x86_64" ] ; then
cat "$SLIST" | sed -e "s|\([ /]\)i[56]86|\1$BUILDARCH|g"
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