fatal "You are already in backported branch $CURBRANCH. Run rpmbph in sisyphus or master branch only."
# Create branch if not exist yet
@@ -448,6 +441,7 @@ if [ "$PKGVENDOR" = "alt" ] && is_gear $SPECDIR ; then
docmd git branch $USEBRANCH
# Only one spec supported
altspec_to_local $BPSPEC
@@ -459,12 +453,12 @@ if [ "$PKGVENDOR" = "alt" ] && is_gear $SPECDIR ; then
if[-z"$QUIET"]&&tty-s&&!(echo"etersoft-build-utils INFO: Please check diff for backported spec:";echo"# etersoft-build-utils NOTE: You can press Ctrl-\ before quit for cancel process.";echo; git diff $USEBRANCH) | less;then
#git checkout $SPEC $MDISTR
#git checkout $CURBRANCH
fatal "User cancelled. You are still in $USEBRANCH branch with modified spec."
fatal "Cancelled by user. You are still in $USEBRANCH branch with modified spec."
docmd git add $SPEC
if! git_commit_ignore_nothing -a-m"backported to $USEBRANCH as $(get_version $SPEC)-$(get_release $SPEC) (with rpmbph script)";then
#git checkout $CURBRANCH
fatal "Commit error. You are still in $MDISTR branch with modified and uncommitted spec file"
fatal "Commit error. You are still in $MDISTR branch with modified and uncommitted spec file."