Commit 65f71d85 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov


- gitask: use improved message - rpmbs: disable obsoleted checking - rpmgs: improve node modules support - gear: fix tar_dir_from_rules - gitask: fix quota command - rpmbs: don't change branch for upload - gitask: add acl command (in favor of gacl) - rpmgs: verbose preinstall-hook - use external estrlist
parent 004aec4d
# NOTE: do not use clean_spec or rpmcs for this spec
Name: etersoft-build-utils
Version: 2.9.6
Version: 3.0.0
Release: alt1
Summary: A set of rpm build utilities from Etersoft
......@@ -69,6 +69,17 @@ RECOMMENDED packages: gcc-c++ perl-libwww ccache elinks mutt hasher curl
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/eterbuild/repos/*
* Sat Oct 10 2020 Vitaly Lipatov <> 3.0.0-alt1
- gitask: use improved message
- rpmbs: disable obsoleted checking
- rpmgs: improve node modules support
- gear: fix tar_dir_from_rules
- gitask: fix quota command
- rpmbs: don't change branch for upload
- gitask: add acl command (in favor of gacl)
- rpmgs: verbose preinstall-hook
- use external estrlist
* Sun Mar 22 2020 Vitaly Lipatov <> 2.9.6-alt1
- gitask: add ls -a support
- rpmbs: show task always after creating
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