Commit 6be97333 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmgs: add Cargo.lock in subdirs

parent 050ae065
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ update_predownloaded()
cp -a $RGD/$CURNAME $PSM || fatal
cd $PSM || fatal
pushd $PSM || fatal
local RUNHOOK="sh"
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && RUNHOOK="sh -x"
......@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ update_predownloaded()
#[ "$MODE" = "production" ] && PRODUCTION='--no-dev'
info "Detected 'Cargo.lock' install hook ..."
docmd cargo vendor $PRODUCTION || fatal
docmd cargo vendor --verbose $PRODUCTION || fatal
COMMITMSG="update vendored cargo modules with cargo vendor $PRODUCTION for $VERSION (see $SDNAME in .gear/rules)"
if [ -s $RGD/.gear/predownloaded-postinstall-hook ] ; then
......@@ -588,6 +588,36 @@ update_predownloaded()
# TODO: move from temp dir
rm -rf $(ls -1 | grep -v vendor | grep -v Cargo.lock) .[a-zA-Z0-9]* *.md
local i
local rust_dir=''
for i in */Cargo.lock ; do
[ -s "$i" ] || continue
rust_dir=$(dirname $i)
[ -d "./vendor" ] && continue
local COMMITMSG=''
info "Detected '$i' install hook ..."
cd $rust_dir || fatal
docmd cargo vendor --verbose ../vendor || fatal
COMMITMSG="update vendored cargo modules in $rust_dir dir with cargo vendor for $VERSION (see $SDNAME in .gear/rules)"
if [ -s $RGD/.gear/predownloaded-postinstall-hook ] ; then
info "Detected .gear/predownloaded-postinstall-hook, running it ..."
$RUNHOOK $RGD/.gear/predownloaded-postinstall-hook $MODE $VERSION
cd - >/dev/null
# can remove binaries from definitely unused packages
rm -rv vendor/winapi-*-pc-windows-gnu/lib/*.a
# drop all exclude vendor
# TODO: correct .* removing
# TODO: move from temp dir
rm -rf $(ls -1 | grep -v vendor | grep -v Cargo.lock) .[a-zA-Z0-9]* *.md
#### end of cargo only part
......@@ -640,7 +670,7 @@ update_predownloaded()
# some modules contains own .git
find -type d -name ".git" -print -exec rm -rvf "{}" \;
cd - >/dev/null
docmd git add -f $PSM
docmd git commit -m "$COMMITMSG"
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