Commit 8d9401e0 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

small comments and helps update

parent 8012b098
......@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ if [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] ; then
echo "Use: gpull [-a] [-n] [repo] [branch]"
echo " gpull without parameters or with branch name"
echo " gpull myrepo - for pull from remote myrepo gear repo (with --rebase by default)"
echo " -a - pull all branches"
echo " -r - rebase during pull"
echo " -m - do merge if possible"
echo " -f - pull with fast forward only (default)"
echo " -c - return error status if repo was not uptodate (gpull || echo 'Was updated last time')"
echo "Options:"
echo " -a - pull all branches"
echo " -r - rebase during pull"
echo " -m - do merge if possible"
echo " -f - pull with fast forward only (default)"
echo " -c - return error status if repo was not uptodate (gpull || echo 'Was updated last time')"
exit 1
# 2003-2009 (c) Etersoft
# 2003-2010 (c) Etersoft
# Author: Vitaly Lipatov <>
# Public domain
# BSH - build source; use hasher
# Создаёт пакет(ы) по указанным спекам и собирает в hasher
# Поддерживает удалённую сборку пакета ( ключ -r)
# Присылка результата сборки по почте (ключ -m)
# TODO: Сжимать отправляемый лог
# TODO: присылать обратно собранные пакеты??
# load common functions, compatible with local and installed script
. `dirname $0`/../share/eterbuild/functions/common
......@@ -96,4 +96,5 @@ fi
add_changelog_helper "$CHANGELOG" $SPECNAME
# TODO: use gear-commit ?
git_commit_ignore_nothing $SPECNAME -m "new build $NEWREV (with rpmlog script)"
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