Commit 8f08ade2 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

rpmlog: do not lower initial letter for abbreviations.

parent 2bf623b6
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ if [ -n "$CHANGELOGADD" ] ; then
# TODO: найти параметр для упрощения истории. пока - sort?
# Делает первую букву маленькой, убирает точку в конце строки
CHANGELOG="`git log $FROMTAG..$TOTAG --reverse --simplify-merges --dense --pretty="- %s" | sed -e "s|\.\$||g" | sed -e "s|- \([A-Z]\)|- \l\1|g" | sed -e "s|%||g"`"
CHANGELOG="`git log $FROMTAG..$TOTAG --reverse --simplify-merges --dense --pretty="- %s" | sed -e "s|\.\$||g" | sed -e "s|- \([A-Z]\)\([a-z]\)|- \l\1\2|g" | sed -e "s|%||g"`"
[ -n "$CHANGELOG" ] || fatal "git log was failed. Probably, you have no tag $FROMTAG in your repo. Check the source repository."
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