Commit 9db03bfa authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

gacl: update description and add -b REPO param support

parent 274b5a7b
......@@ -15,15 +15,22 @@ mygetopts()
if [ "$1" = "-h" ] ; then
echo "gacl - acl control for gear repo in $GIRARHOST"
echo "Use: gacl [GEAR] [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] [package] command [params]"
echo "Examples:"
echo " gacl [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] package add newuser"
echo " gacl [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] package del newuser"
echo " gacl [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] package show"
echog "gacl - acl control for gear repo in $GIRARHOST"
echog "Use: gacl [GIRAR] [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] | [-b REPONAME] [package] command [params]"
echog "Options:"
echog " -b REPONAME - binary repository name (4.1, 5.0, 5.1 and so on)"
echog "Examples:"
echog " gacl [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] package add newuser"
echog " gacl [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] package del newuser"
echog " gacl [-$CURRENTBRANCHNAME] package show"
exit 0
if [ "$1" = "-b" ] ; then
shift 2
# if two or one param only, try detect
if [ -z "$3" ] || [ -z "$2" ] ; then
......@@ -47,6 +54,7 @@ mygetopts()
#parse_cmd_pre_spec "$@"
parse_cmd_pre "$@"
mygetopts $LISTARGS
# see functions/alt:set_binaryrepo() for BINARYREPONAME
set_binaryrepo $MENV
[ -n "$PROJECTNAME" ] || fatal "Project name is missed"
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