Commit e69d8e5a authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

small fixes

parent 7c109184
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ RELEASE=$(get_release $SPECNAME)
echo "Converting spec $(basename $SPECNAME) to $DISTRVERSION ($MDISTR) ..."
......@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ fi
for i in $LISTDEP ; do
tolocal_anyrepl $i $pkgrepl_list || continue
ALTPKGNAME="$(echo "$ALTPKGNAME" | sed -e 's|\([()]\)|\\\1|g' )"
#NRL="s!\(.*Req.*\)$REPLRULE1\( |,|\$\)!\1$REPLRULE2\2!g"
NRL="s!(.*Req.*)$ALTPKGNAME( |,|}|\$)!\1$TARGETPKGNAME\2!g"
[ -n "$VERBOSE" ] && echo " $NRL from $USEDPKGREPL"
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ tolocal_anyrepl()
s/| */|/g"
USEDPKGREPL='scripted rules'
for i in $@ ; do
REPLRULE=`grep -v "^#" "$i" 2>/dev/null | grep -- "^ *$GREP *|" | sed -e "$WARULES" | head -n1`
REPLRULE=`grep -v "^#" "$i" 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|^ *||' -e 's/ *| */|/' | grep -- "^$GREP|" | sed -e "$WARULES" | head -n1`
# For broken rule
rhas "$REPLRULE" "|" || REPLRULE=""
#REPLRULE=`echo $REPLRULE | sed -r -e 's,|,!,g'`
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ clean_pkgreq()
for i in $VAR ; do
#echo "$i" | grep -E "^gcc[0-9]|^cpp[0-9]|^gcc-c++[0-9]" >/dev/null && continue
#echo "$i" | grep -E "gcc\$|cpp\$|gcc-c++\$" >/dev/null && continue
echo "$i" | grep "[()<=>]" >/dev/null && continue
echo "$i" | grep "[<=>]" >/dev/null && continue
echo "$i" | grep "^ *[0-9]\.[0-9]" >/dev/null && continue
echo -n "$i " | sed -e "s|[,}]| |g"
done | estrlist filter_strip_spaces
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