Commit 4bec5557 authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Add bar.width option - #95

parent 5e0a4af4
......@@ -199,6 +199,10 @@
__point_focus_expand_r = getConfig(['point', 'focus', 'expand', 'r'], __point_focus_expand_enabled ? 4 : __point_r),
__point_select_r = getConfig(['point', 'focus', 'select', 'r'], 8);
// bar
var __bar_width = getConfig(['bar', 'width']),
__bar_width_ratio = getConfig(['bar', 'width', 'ratio'], 0.6);
// pie
var __pie_label_show = getConfig(['pie', 'label', 'show'], true),
__pie_label_format = getConfig(['pie', 'label', 'format']),
......@@ -1688,7 +1692,7 @@
function getBarW(axis, barTargetsNum) {
return barTargetsNum ? (axis.tickOffset() * 2 * 0.6) / barTargetsNum : 0;
return __bar_width ? __bar_width : barTargetsNum ? (axis.tickOffset() * 2 * __bar_width_ratio) / barTargetsNum : 0;
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