Commit 8a2e44a8 authored by Masayuki Tanaka's avatar Masayuki Tanaka

Fix literal for CLASS

parent a3a16800
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ c3_chart_fn.flow = function (args) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateFlow = function (args) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, d3 = $$.d3, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, d3 = $$.d3;
return function () {
var targets = args.targets,
......@@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateFlow = function (args) {
// remove flowed elements
if (flowLength) {
for (i = 0; i < flowLength; i++) {
shapes.push('.' + CLASS[_shape] + '-' + (flowIndex + i));
texts.push('.' + CLASS[_text] + '-' + (flowIndex + i));
eventRects.push('.' + CLASS[_eventRect] + '-' + (flowIndex + i));
shapes.push('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + (flowIndex + i));
texts.push('.' + CLASS.text + '-' + (flowIndex + i));
eventRects.push('.' + CLASS.eventRect + '-' + (flowIndex + i));
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shapes]).selectAll(shapes).remove();
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_texts]).selectAll(texts).remove();
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_eventRects]).selectAll(eventRects).remove();
$$'.' + CLASS[_xgrid]).remove();
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll(shapes).remove();
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.texts).selectAll(texts).remove();
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRects).selectAll(eventRects).remove();
$$'.' + CLASS.xgrid).remove();
// draw again for removing flowed elements and reverting attr
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ c3_chart_fn.focus = function (targetId) {
focus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS[_focused], true));
focus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS.focused, true));
if ($$.hasArcType()) {
$$.expandArc(targetId, true);
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ c3_chart_fn.defocus = function (targetId) {
$$.filterTargetsToShow(targets).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', 0.3);
defocus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS[_focused], false));
defocus(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS.focused, false));
if ($$.hasArcType()) {
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ c3_chart_fn.revert = function (targetId) {
function revert(targets) {
$$.filterTargetsToShow(targets).transition().duration(100).style('opacity', 1);
revert(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS[_focused], false));
revert(candidatesForNoneArc.classed(CLASS.focused, false));
if ($$.hasArcType()) {
......@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ c3_chart_fn.regions.remove = function (options) {
options = options || {};
duration = $$.getOption(options, "duration", config.transition_duration);
classes = $$.getOption(options, "classes", [CLASS[_region]]);
classes = $$.getOption(options, "classes", [CLASS.region]);
regions = $$'.' + CLASS[_regions]).selectAll( (c) { return '.' + c; }));
regions = $$'.' + CLASS.regions).selectAll( (c) { return '.' + c; }));
(duration ? regions.transition().duration(duration) : regions)
.style('opacity', 0)
c3_chart_fn.selected = function (targetId) {
var $$ = this.internal, d3 = $$.d3;
return d3.merge(
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shapes] + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId)).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape])
.filter(function () { return[_SELECTED]); })
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(targetId)).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape)
.filter(function () { return; })
.map(function (d) { return (d) { var data = d.__data__; return ? : data; }); })
}; = function (ids, indices, resetOther) {
var $$ = this.internal, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
if (! config.data_selection_enabled) { return; }
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shapes]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape]).each(function (d, i) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) {
var shape =, id = ? :, toggle = $$.getToggle(this),
isTargetId = config.data_selection_grouped || !ids || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0,
isTargetIndex = !indices || indices.indexOf(i) >= 0,
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED]);
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED);
// line/area selection not supported yet
if (shape.classed(CLASS[_line]) || shape.classed(CLASS[_area])) {
if (shape.classed(CLASS.line) || shape.classed(CLASS.area)) {
if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex) {
if (config.data_selection_isselectable(d) && !isSelected) {
toggle(true, shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED], true), d, i);
toggle(true, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, true), d, i);
} else if (isDefined(resetOther) && resetOther) {
if (isSelected) {
toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED], false), d, i);
toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i);
......@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ = function (ids, indices, resetOther) {
c3_chart_fn.unselect = function (ids, indices) {
var $$ = this.internal, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config;
if (! config.data_selection_enabled) { return; }
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shapes]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape]).each(function (d, i) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) {
var shape =, id = ? :, toggle = $$.getToggle(this),
isTargetId = config.data_selection_grouped || !ids || ids.indexOf(id) >= 0,
isTargetIndex = !indices || indices.indexOf(i) >= 0,
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED]);
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED);
// line/area selection not supported yet
if (shape.classed(CLASS[_line]) || shape.classed(CLASS[_area])) {
if (shape.classed(CLASS.line) || shape.classed(CLASS.area)) {
if (isTargetId && isTargetIndex) {
if (config.data_selection_isselectable(d)) {
if (isSelected) {
toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED], false), d, i);
toggle(false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i);
......@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.textForArcLabel = function (d) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.expandArc = function (id, withoutFadeOut) {
var $$ = this,
target = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartArc] + $$.selectorTarget(id)),
noneTargets = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_arc]).filter(function (data) { return !== id; });
target = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc + $$.selectorTarget(id)),
noneTargets = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.arc).filter(function (data) { return !== id; });
if ($$.shouldExpand(id)) {
......@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.expandArc = function (id, withoutFadeOut) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.unexpandArc = function (id) {
var $$ = this,
target = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartArc] + $$.selectorTarget(id));
target.selectAll('path.' + CLASS[_arc])
target = $$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc + $$.selectorTarget(id));
target.selectAll('path.' + CLASS.arc)
.attr("d", $$.svgArc);
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_arc])
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.arc)
.style("opacity", 1);
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForArc = function (targets) {
mainPieUpdate, mainPieEnter,
classChartArc = $$.classChartArc.bind($$),
classArcs = $$.classArcs.bind($$);
mainPieUpdate ='.' + CLASS[_chartArcs]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartArc])
mainPieUpdate ='.' + CLASS.chartArcs).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc)
.attr("class", classChartArc);
mainPieEnter = mainPieUpdate.enter().append("g")
......@@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForArc = function (targets) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.initArc = function () {
var $$ = this;
$$.arcs = $$'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartArcs])
$$.arcs = $$'.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.chartArcs)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('arc'));
.attr('class', CLASS[_chartArcsTitle])
.attr('class', CLASS.chartArcsTitle)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initArc = function () {
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawArc = function (duration, durationForExit, withTransform) {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config, main = $$.main,
mainArc = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_arcs]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_arc])
mainArc = main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.arcs).selectAll('.' + CLASS.arc)
.attr("class", $$.classArc.bind($$))
......@@ -314,14 +314,14 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawArc = function (duration, durationForExit, withTransf
.style('opacity', 0)
main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartArc]).select('text')
main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartArc).select('text')
.style("opacity", 0)
.attr('class', function (d) { return $$.isGaugeType( ? CLASS[_gaugeValue] : ''; })
.attr('class', function (d) { return $$.isGaugeType( ? CLASS.gaugeValue : ''; })
.attr("transform", $$.transformForArcLabel.bind($$))
.style("opacity", function (d) { return $$.isTargetToShow( && $$.isArcType( ? 1 : 0; });'.' + CLASS[_chartArcsTitle])'.' + CLASS.chartArcsTitle)
.style("opacity", $$.hasType('donut') || $$.hasType('gauge') ? 1 : 0);
......@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initGauge = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, arcs = $$.arcs;
if ($$.hasType('gauge')) {
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartArcsBackground])
.attr("class", CLASS.chartArcsBackground)
.attr("d", function () {
var d = {
data: [{value: config.gauge_max}],
......@@ -340,21 +340,21 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initGauge = function () {
.attr("dy", ".75em")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartArcsGaugeUnit])
.attr("class", CLASS.chartArcsGaugeUnit)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("pointer-events", "none")
.text(config.gauge_label_show ? config.gauge_units : '');
.attr("dx", -1 * ($$.innerRadius + (($$.radius - $$.innerRadius) / 2)) + "px")
.attr("dy", "1.2em")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartArcsGaugeMin])
.attr("class", CLASS.chartArcsGaugeMin)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("pointer-events", "none")
.text(config.gauge_label_show ? config.gauge_min : '');
.attr("dx", $$.innerRadius + (($$.radius - $$.innerRadius) / 2) + "px")
.attr("dy", "1.2em")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartArcsGaugeMax])
.attr("class", CLASS.chartArcsGaugeMax)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("pointer-events", "none")
.text(config.gauge_label_show ? config.gauge_max : '');
c3_chart_internal_fn.initAxis = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, main = $$.main, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, main = $$.main;
$$.axes.x = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axis] + ' ' + CLASS[_axisX])
.attr("class", CLASS.axis + ' ' + CLASS.axisX)
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForXAxis)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('x'))
.style("visibility", config.axis_x_show ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisXLabel])
.attr("class", CLASS.axisXLabel)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "rotate(-90)" : "")
.style("text-anchor", $$.textAnchorForXAxisLabel.bind($$));
$$.axes.y = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axis] + ' ' + CLASS[_axisY])
.attr("class", CLASS.axis + ' ' + CLASS.axisY)
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForYAxis)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y'))
.style("visibility", config.axis_y_show ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisYLabel])
.attr("class", CLASS.axisYLabel)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)")
.style("text-anchor", $$.textAnchorForYAxisLabel.bind($$));
$$.axes.y2 = main.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axis] + ' ' + CLASS[_axisY2])
.attr("class", CLASS.axis + ' ' + CLASS.axisY2)
// clip-path?
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y2'))
.style("visibility", config.axis_y2_show ? 'visible' : 'hidden');
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisY2Label])
.attr("class", CLASS.axisY2Label)
.attr("transform", config.axis_rotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)")
.style("text-anchor", $$.textAnchorForY2AxisLabel.bind($$));
......@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getMaxTickWidth = function (id) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateAxisLabels = function (withTransition) {
var $$ = this;
var axisXLabel = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisX] + ' .' + CLASS[_axisXLabel]),
axisYLabel = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisY] + ' .' + CLASS[_axisYLabel]),
axisY2Label = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisY2] + ' .' + CLASS[_axisY2Label]);
var axisXLabel = $$'.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .' + CLASS.axisXLabel),
axisYLabel = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY + ' .' + CLASS.axisYLabel),
axisY2Label = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY2 + ' .' + CLASS.axisY2Label);
(withTransition ? axisXLabel.transition() : axisXLabel)
.attr("x", $$.xForXAxisLabel.bind($$))
.attr("dx", $$.dxForXAxisLabel.bind($$))
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initWithData = function (data) {
// text when empty
.attr("class", CLASS[_text] + ' ' + CLASS[_empty])
.attr("class", CLASS.text + ' ' + CLASS.empty)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle") // horizontal centering of text at x position in all browsers.
.attr("dominant-baseline", "middle"); // vertical centering of text at y position in all browsers, except IE.
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initWithData = function (data) {
// Define g for chart area
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath)
.attr('class', CLASS[_chart]);
.attr('class', CLASS.chart);
// Cover whole with rects for events
......@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initWithData = function (data) {
// if zoom privileged, insert rect to forefront
// TODO: is this needed?
main.insert('rect', config.zoom_privileged ? null : 'g.' + CLASS[_regions])
.attr('class', CLASS[_zoomRect])
main.insert('rect', config.zoom_privileged ? null : 'g.' + CLASS.regions)
.attr('class', CLASS.zoomRect)
.attr('width', $$.width)
.attr('height', $$.height)
.style('opacity', 0)
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargets = function (targets) {
/*-- Show --*/
// Fade-in each chart
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_target]).filter(function (d) { return $$.isTargetToShow(; })
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + (d) { return $$.isTargetToShow(; })
.style("opacity", 1);
......@@ -470,14 +470,14 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) {
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_axisX] + ' .tick text').each(function (e) {
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick text').each(function (e) {
var index = tickValues.indexOf(e);
if (index >= 0) {'display', index % intervalForCulling ? 'none' : 'block');
} else {
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_axisX] + ' .tick text').style('display', 'block');
$$.svg.selectAll('.' + CLASS.axisX + ' .tick text').style('display', 'block');
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) {
// Data empty label positioning and text."text." + CLASS[_text] + '.' + CLASS[_empty])"text." + CLASS.text + '.' + CLASS.empty)
.attr("x", $$.width / 2)
.attr("y", $$.height / 2)
......@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redraw = function (options, transitions) {
// circles for select
main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_selectedCircles])
main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.selectedCircles)
......@@ -691,26 +691,26 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.transformMain = function (withTransition, transitions) {
if (transitions && transitions.axisX) {
xAxis = transitions.axisX;
} else {
xAxis = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisX]);
xAxis = $$'.' + CLASS.axisX);
if (withTransition) { xAxis = xAxis.transition(); }
if (transitions && transitions.axisY) {
yAxis = transitions.axisY;
} else {
yAxis = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisY]);
yAxis = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY);
if (withTransition) { yAxis = yAxis.transition(); }
if (transitions && transitions.axisY2) {
y2Axis = transitions.axisY2;
} else {
y2Axis = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisY2]);
y2Axis = $$'.' + CLASS.axisY2);
if (withTransition) { y2Axis = y2Axis.transition(); }
(withTransition ? $$.main.transition() : $$.main).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('main'));
xAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('x'));
yAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y'));
y2Axis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('y2'));
$$'.' + CLASS[_chartArcs]).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('arc'));
$$'.' + CLASS.chartArcs).attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('arc'));
c3_chart_internal_fn.transformAll = function (withTransition, transitions) {
var $$ = this;
......@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateSvgSize = function () {
.attr('y', $$.getYAxisClipY.bind($$))
.attr('width', $$.getYAxisClipWidth.bind($$))
.attr('height', $$.getYAxisClipHeight.bind($$));
$$'.' + CLASS[_zoomRect])
$$'.' + CLASS.zoomRect)
.attr('width', $$.width)
.attr('height', $$.height);
// MEMO: parent div's height will be bigger than svg when <!DOCTYPE html>
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.unload = function (targetIds, done) {
$$.withoutFadeIn[id] = false;
// Remove target's elements
if ($$.legend) {
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_legendItem] + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)).remove();
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)).remove();
// Remove target
$$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.filter(function (t) {
......@@ -16,26 +16,26 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.drag = function (mouse) {
minY = (config.data_selection_grouped) ? $$ : Math.min(sy, my);
maxY = (config.data_selection_grouped) ? $$.height : Math.max(sy, my);'.' + CLASS[_dragarea])'.' + CLASS.dragarea)
.attr('x', minX)
.attr('y', minY)
.attr('width', maxX - minX)
.attr('height', maxY - minY);
// TODO: binary search when multiple xs
main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shapes]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape])
main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape)
.filter(function (d) { return config.data_selection_isselectable(d); })
.each(function (d, i) {
var shape =,
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED]),
isIncluded = shape.classed(CLASS[_INCLUDED]),
isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED),
isIncluded = shape.classed(CLASS.INCLUDED),
_x, _y, _w, _h, toggle, isWithin = false, box;
if (shape.classed(CLASS[_circle])) {
if (shape.classed( {
_x = shape.attr("cx") * 1;
_y = shape.attr("cy") * 1;
toggle = $$.togglePoint;
isWithin = minX < _x && _x < maxX && minY < _y && _y < maxY;
else if (shape.classed(CLASS[_bar])) {
else if (shape.classed( {
box = getPathBox(this);
_x = box.x;
_y = box.y;
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.drag = function (mouse) {
if (isWithin ^ isIncluded) {
shape.classed(CLASS[_INCLUDED], !isIncluded);
shape.classed(CLASS.INCLUDED, !isIncluded);
// TODO: included/unincluded callback here
shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED], !isSelected);
shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, !isSelected);$$, !isSelected, shape, d, i);
......@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.dragstart = function (mouse) {
if ($$.hasArcType()) { return; }
if (! config.data_selection_enabled) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable
$$.dragStart = mouse;
$$'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append('rect')
.attr('class', CLASS[_dragarea])
$$'.' + CLASS.chart).append('rect')
.attr('class', CLASS.dragarea)
.style('opacity', 0.1);
$$.dragging = true;
......@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.dragend = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
if ($$.hasArcType()) { return; }
if (! config.data_selection_enabled) { return; } // do nothing if not selectable
$$'.' + CLASS[_dragarea])
$$'.' + CLASS.dragarea)
.style('opacity', 0)
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape])
.classed(CLASS[_INCLUDED], false);
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape)
.classed(CLASS.INCLUDED, false);
$$.dragging = false;
c3_chart_internal_fn.initGrid = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3;
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, d3 = $$.d3;
$$.grid = $$.main.append('g')
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath)
.attr('class', CLASS[_grid]);
.attr('class', CLASS.grid);
if (config.grid_x_show) {
$$.grid.append("g").attr("class", CLASS[_xgrids]);
$$.grid.append("g").attr("class", CLASS.xgrids);
if (config.grid_y_show) {
$$.grid.append('g').attr('class', CLASS[_ygrids]);
$$.grid.append('g').attr('class', CLASS.ygrids);
$$.grid.append('g').attr("class", CLASS[_xgridLines]);
$$.grid.append('g').attr('class', CLASS[_ygridLines]);
$$.grid.append('g').attr("class", CLASS.xgridLines);
$$.grid.append('g').attr('class', CLASS.ygridLines);
if (config.grid_focus_show) {
.attr("class", CLASS[_xgridFocus])
.attr("class", CLASS.xgridFocus)
.attr('class', CLASS[_xgridFocus]);
.attr('class', CLASS.xgridFocus);
$$.xgrid = d3.selectAll([]);
$$.xgridLines = d3.selectAll([]);
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateXGrid = function (withoutUpdate) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3,
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, d3 = $$.d3,
xgridData = $$.generateGridData(config.grid_x_type, $$.x),
tickOffset = $$.isCategorized() ? $$.xAxis.tickOffset() : 0;
......@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateXGrid = function (withoutUpdate) {
'y2': $$.height
$$.xgrid = $$'.' + CLASS[_xgrids]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_xgrid])
$$.xgrid = $$'.' + CLASS.xgrids).selectAll('.' + CLASS.xgrid)
$$.xgrid.enter().append('line').attr("class", CLASS[_xgrid]);
$$.xgrid.enter().append('line').attr("class", CLASS.xgrid);
if (!withoutUpdate) {
.style("opacity", function () { return ? 'y1' : 'x1') === (config.axis_rotated ? $$.height : 0) ? 0 : 1; });
......@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateXGrid = function (withoutUpdate) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateYGrid = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$.ygrid = $$'.' + CLASS[_ygrids]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_ygrid])
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
$$.ygrid = $$'.' + CLASS.ygrids).selectAll('.' + CLASS.ygrid)
.attr('class', CLASS[_ygrid]);
.attr('class', CLASS.ygrid);
$$.ygrid.attr("x1", config.axis_rotated ? $$.y : 0)
.attr("x2", config.axis_rotated ? $$.y : $$.width)
.attr("y1", config.axis_rotated ? 0 : $$.y)
......@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateYGrid = function () {
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawGrid = function (duration, withY) {
var $$ = this, main = $$.main, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS,
var $$ = this, main = $$.main, config = $$.config,
xgridLine, ygridLine, yv;'line.' + CLASS[_xgridFocus]).style("visibility", "hidden");'line.' + CLASS.xgridFocus).style("visibility", "hidden");
if (config.grid_x_show) {
$$.xgridLines ='.' + CLASS[_xgridLines]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_xgridLine])
$$.xgridLines ='.' + CLASS.xgridLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.xgridLine)
// enter
xgridLine = $$.xgridLines.enter().append('g')
.attr("class", function (d) { return CLASS[_xgridLine] + (d.class ? ' ' + d.class : ''); });
.attr("class", function (d) { return CLASS.xgridLine + (d.class ? ' ' + d.class : ''); });
.style("opacity", 0);
......@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawGrid = function (duration, withY) {
if (withY) {
$$.ygridLines ='.' + CLASS[_ygridLines]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_ygridLine])
$$.ygridLines ='.' + CLASS.ygridLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.ygridLine)
// enter
ygridLine = $$.ygridLines.enter().append('g')
.attr("class", function (d) { return CLASS[_ygridLine] + (d.class ? ' ' + d.class : ''); });
.attr("class", function (d) { return CLASS.ygridLine + (d.class ? ' ' + d.class : ''); });
.style("opacity", 0);
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.addTransitionForGrid = function (transitions) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.showXGridFocus = function (selectedData) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
dataToShow = selectedData.filter(function (d) { return d && isValue(d.value); }),
focusEl = $$.main.selectAll('line.' + CLASS[_xgridFocus]),
focusEl = $$.main.selectAll('line.' + CLASS.xgridFocus),
xx = $$.xx.bind($$);
if (! config.tooltip_show) { return; }
// Hide when scatter plot exists
......@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.showXGridFocus = function (selectedData) {
$$.smoothLines(focusEl, 'grid');
c3_chart_internal_fn.hideXGridFocus = function () {'line.' + CLASS[_xgridFocus]).style("visibility", "hidden");'line.' + CLASS.xgridFocus).style("visibility", "hidden");
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateXgridFocus = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
$$'line.' + CLASS[_xgridFocus])
$$'line.' + CLASS.xgridFocus)
.attr("x1", config.axis_rotated ? 0 : -10)
.attr("x2", config.axis_rotated ? $$.width : -10)
.attr("y1", config.axis_rotated ? -10 : 0)
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateXgridFocus = function () {
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateGridData = function (type, scale) {
var $$ = this,
gridData = [], xDomain, firstYear, lastYear, i,
tickNum = $$"." + CLASS[_axisX]).selectAll('.tick').size();
tickNum = $$"." + CLASS.axisX).selectAll('.tick').size();
if (type === 'year') {
xDomain = $$.getXDomain();
firstYear = xDomain[0].getFullYear();
......@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.removeGridLines = function (params, forX) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
toRemove = $$.getGridFilterToRemove(params),
toShow = function (line) { return !toRemove(line); },
classLines = forX ? CLASS[_xgridLines] : CLASS[_ygridLines],
classLine = forX ? CLASS[_xgridLine] : CLASS.ygridLine;
classLines = forX ? CLASS.xgridLines : CLASS.ygridLines,
classLine = forX ? CLASS.xgridLine : CLASS.ygridLine;
$$'.' + classLines).selectAll('.' + classLine).filter(toRemove)
.style('opacity', 0).remove();
c3_chart_internal_fn.initEventRect = function () {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_eventRects])
var $$ = this;
$$'.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.eventRects)
.style('fill-opacity', 0);
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawEventRect = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS,
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
eventRectUpdate, maxDataCountTarget,
isMultipleX = $$.isMultipleX();
// rects for mouseover
var eventRects = $$'.' + CLASS[_eventRects])
var eventRects = $$'.' + CLASS.eventRects)
.style('cursor', config.zoom_enabled ? config.axis_rotated ? 'ns-resize' : 'ew-resize' : null)
.classed(CLASS[_eventRectsMultiple], isMultipleX)
.classed(CLASS[_eventRectsSingle], !isMultipleX);
.classed(CLASS.eventRectsMultiple, isMultipleX)
.classed(CLASS.eventRectsSingle, !isMultipleX);
// clear old rects
eventRects.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_eventRect]).remove();
eventRects.selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect).remove();
// open as public variable
$$.eventRect = eventRects.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_eventRect]);
$$.eventRect = eventRects.selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect);
if (isMultipleX) {
eventRectUpdate = $$[0]);
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawEventRect = function () {
// Set data and update $$.eventRect
maxDataCountTarget = $$.getMaxDataCountTarget($$.data.targets);
eventRects.datum(maxDataCountTarget ? maxDataCountTarget.values : []);
$$.eventRect = eventRects.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_eventRect]);
$$.eventRect = eventRects.selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect);
eventRectUpdate = $$ (d) { return d; });
// enter
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateEventRectsForSingleX = function (eventRectEnter) {
// Call event handler
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape] + '-' + index).each(function (d) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + index).each(function (d) {$$, d);
......@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateEventRectsForSingleX = function (eventRectEnter) {
// Call event handler
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape] + '-' + index).each(function (d) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + index).each(function (d) {$$, d);
.on('mousemove', function (d) {
var selectedData, index = d.index,
eventRect = $$'.' + CLASS[_eventRect] + '-' + index);
eventRect = $$'.' + CLASS.eventRect + '-' + index);
if ($$.dragging) { return; } // do nothing when dragging
if ($$.hasArcType()) { return; }
......@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateEventRectsForSingleX = function (eventRectEnter) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape] + '-' + index)
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + index)
.each(function () {[_EXPANDED], true);, true);
if (config.data_selection_enabled) {'cursor', config.data_selection_grouped ? 'pointer' : null);
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateEventRectsForSingleX = function (eventRectEnter) {
$$.cancelClick = false;
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape] + '-' + index).each(function (d) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape + '-' + index).each(function (d) {
$$.toggleShape(this, d, index);
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateEventRectsForMultipleXs = function (eventRectEnter)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', $$.width)
.attr('height', $$.height)
.attr('class', CLASS[_eventRect])
.attr('class', CLASS.eventRect)
.on('mouseout', function () {
if ($$.hasArcType()) { return; }
......@@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateEventRectsForMultipleXs = function (eventRectEnter)
// Show cursor as pointer if point is close to mouse position
if ($$.dist(closest, mouse) < 100) {
$$'.' + CLASS[_eventRect]).style('cursor', 'pointer');
$$'.' + CLASS.eventRect).style('cursor', 'pointer');
if (!$$.mouseover) {$$, closest);
$$.mouseover = true;
} else if ($$.mouseover) {
$$'.' + CLASS[_eventRect]).style('cursor', null);
$$'.' + CLASS.eventRect).style('cursor', null);$$, closest);
$$.mouseover = false;
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateEventRectsForMultipleXs = function (eventRectEnter)
// select if selection enabled
if ($$.dist(closest, mouse) < 100 && $$.toggleShape) {
$$'.' + CLASS[_circles] + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + CLASS[_circle] + '-' + closest.index).each(function () {
$$'.' + CLASS.circles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + + '-' + closest.index).each(function () {
$$.toggleShape(this, closest, closest.index);
......@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getLegendHeight = function () {
c3_chart_internal_fn.opacityForLegend = function (legendItem) {
var $$ = this;
return legendItem.classed(CLASS[_legendItemHidden]) ? $$.legendOpacityForHidden : 1;
return legendItem.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden) ? $$.legendOpacityForHidden : 1;
c3_chart_internal_fn.opacityForUnfocusedLegend = function (legendItem) {
var $$ = this;
return legendItem.classed(CLASS[_legendItemHidden]) ? $$.legendOpacityForHidden : 0.3;
return legendItem.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden) ? $$.legendOpacityForHidden : 0.3;
c3_chart_internal_fn.toggleFocusLegend = function (id, focus) {
var $$ = this;
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_legendItem])
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem)
.style('opacity', function (_id) {
var This = $$;
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.toggleFocusLegend = function (id, focus) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.revertLegend = function () {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3;
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_legendItem])
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem)
.style('opacity', function () { return $$.opacityForLegend(; });
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
var paddingTop = 4, paddingRight = 36, maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = 0, posMin = 10;
var l, totalLength = 0, offsets = {}, widths = {}, heights = {}, margins = [0], steps = {}, step = 0;
var withTransition, withTransitionForTransform;
var hasFocused = $$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_legendItemFocused]).size();
var hasFocused = $$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItemFocused).size();
var texts, rects, tiles;
options = options || {};
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
withTransitionForTransform = getOption(options, "withTransitionForTransform", true);
function updatePositions(textElement, id, reset) {
var box = $$.getTextRect(textElement.textContent, CLASS[_legendItem]),
var box = $$.getTextRect(textElement.textContent, CLASS.legendItem),
itemWidth = Math.ceil((box.width + paddingRight) / 10) * 10,
itemHeight = Math.ceil((box.height + paddingTop) / 10) * 10,
itemLength = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? itemHeight : itemWidth,
......@@ -190,17 +190,17 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
yForLegendRect = function (id, i) { return yForLegend(id, i) - 7; };
// Define g for legend area
l = $$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_legendItem])
l = $$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem)
.attr('class', function (id) { return $$.generateClass(CLASS[_legendItem], id); })
.attr('class', function (id) { return $$.generateClass(CLASS.legendItem, id); })
.style('visibility', function (id) { return $$.isLegendToShow(id) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; })
.style('cursor', 'pointer')
.on('click', function (id) {
config.legend_item_onclick ?$$, id) : $$.api.toggle(id);
.on('mouseover', function (id) {
$$[_legendItemFocused], true);
$$, true);
if (!$$.transiting) {
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
.on('mouseout', function (id) {
$$[_legendItemFocused], false);
$$, false);
if (!$$.transiting) {
......@@ -224,12 +224,12 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
.attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendText : -200)
.attr('y', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendText);
.attr("class", CLASS[_legendItemEvent])
.attr("class", CLASS.legendItemEvent)
.style('fill-opacity', 0)
.attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendRect : -200)
.attr('y', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? -200 : yForLegendRect);
.attr("class", CLASS[_legendItemTile])
.attr("class", CLASS.legendItemTile)
.style("pointer-events", "none")
.style('fill', $$.color)
.attr('x', $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? xForLegendText : -200)
......@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
.attr('height', 10);
// Set background for inset legend
if ($$.isLegendInset && maxWidth !== 0) {
$$.legend.insert('g', '.' + CLASS[_legendItem])
.attr("class", CLASS[_legendBackground])
$$.legend.insert('g', '.' + CLASS.legendItem)
.attr("class", CLASS.legendBackground)
.attr('height', $$.getLegendHeight() - 10)
.attr('width', maxWidth * (step + 1) + 10);
......@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
.attr('x', xForLegendText)
.attr('y', yForLegendText);
rects = $$.legend.selectAll('rect.' + CLASS[_legendItemEvent])
rects = $$.legend.selectAll('rect.' + CLASS.legendItemEvent)
(withTransition ? rects.transition() : rects)
.attr('width', function (id) { return widths[id]; })
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
.attr('x', xForLegendRect)
.attr('y', yForLegendRect);
tiles = $$.legend.selectAll('rect.' + CLASS[_legendItemTile])
tiles = $$.legend.selectAll('rect.' + CLASS.legendItemTile)
(withTransition ? tiles.transition() : tiles)
.style('fill', $$.color)
......@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateLegend = function (targetIds, options, transitions) {
.attr('y', yForLegend);
// toggle legend state
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_legendItem])
.classed(CLASS[_legendItemHidden], function (id) { return !$$.isTargetToShow(id); })
$$.legend.selectAll('.' + CLASS.legendItem)
.classed(CLASS.legendItemHidden, function (id) { return !$$.isTargetToShow(id); })
.style('opacity', function (id) {
var This = $$;
if ($$.isTargetToShow(id)) {
return !hasFocused || This.classed(CLASS[_legendItemFocused]) ? $$.opacityForLegend(This) : $$.opacityForUnfocusedLegend(This);
return !hasFocused || This.classed(CLASS.legendItemFocused) ? $$.opacityForLegend(This) : $$.opacityForUnfocusedLegend(This);
} else {
return $$.legendOpacityForHidden;
c3_chart_internal_fn.initRegion = function () {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
var $$ = this;
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath)
.attr("class", CLASS[_regions]);
.attr("class", CLASS.regions);
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawRegion = function (duration) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$.mainRegion = $$'.' + CLASS[_regions]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_region])
var $$ = this, config = $$.config;
$$.mainRegion = $$'.' + CLASS.regions).selectAll('.' + CLASS.region)
.attr('class', $$.classRegion.bind($$))
......@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.selectPoint = function (target, d, i) {
r = $$.pointSelectR.bind($$);$$.api, d, target.node());
// add selected-circle on low layer g
$$'.' + CLASS[_selectedCircles] + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + CLASS[_selectedCircle] + '-' + i)
$$'.' + CLASS.selectedCircles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + CLASS.selectedCircle + '-' + i)
.attr("class", function () { return $$.generateClass(CLASS[_selectedCircle], i); })
.attr("class", function () { return $$.generateClass(CLASS.selectedCircle, i); })
.attr("cx", cx)
.attr("cy", cy)
.attr("stroke", function () { return $$.color(d); })
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.unselectPoint = function (target, d, i) {
var $$ = this;
$$.config.data_onunselected(d, target.node());
// remove selected-circle from low layer g
$$'.' + CLASS[_selectedCircles] + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + CLASS[_selectedCircle] + '-' + i)
$$'.' + CLASS.selectedCircles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + CLASS.selectedCircle + '-' + i)
.transition().duration(100).attr('r', 0)
......@@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.toggleArc = function (selected, target, d, i) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.getToggle = function (that) {
var $$ = this;
// path selection not supported yet
return that.nodeName === 'circle' ? $$.togglePoint : ($$[_bar]) ? $$.toggleBar : $$.toggleArc);
return that.nodeName === 'circle' ? $$.togglePoint : ($$ ? $$.toggleBar : $$.toggleArc);
c3_chart_internal_fn.toggleShape = function (that, d, i) {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config,
shape =, isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED]), isWithin, toggle;
shape =, isSelected = shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED), isWithin, toggle;
if (that.nodeName === 'circle') {
isWithin = $$.isWithinCircle(that, $$.pointSelectR(d) * 1.5);
toggle = $$.togglePoint;
else if (that.nodeName === 'path') {
if (shape.classed(CLASS[_bar])) {
if (shape.classed( {
isWithin = $$.isWithinBar(that);
toggle = $$.toggleBar;
} else { // would be arc
......@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.toggleShape = function (that, d, i) {
if (config.data_selection_grouped || isWithin) {
if (config.data_selection_enabled && config.data_selection_isselectable(d)) {
if (!config.data_selection_multiple) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shapes] + (config.data_selection_grouped ? $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix( : "")).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_shape]).each(function (d, i) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.shapes + (config.data_selection_grouped ? $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix( : "")).selectAll('.' + CLASS.shape).each(function (d, i) {
var shape =;
if (shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED])) {$$, false, shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED], false), d, i); }
if (shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED)) {$$, false, shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, false), d, i); }
shape.classed(CLASS[_SELECTED], !isSelected);
shape.classed(CLASS.SELECTED, !isSelected);$$, !isSelected, shape, d, i);
$$$$.api, d, that);
c3_chart_internal_fn.initBar = function () {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartBars]);
var $$ = this;
$$'.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.chartBars);
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForBar = function (targets) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS,
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
mainBarUpdate, mainBarEnter,
classChartBar = $$.classChartBar.bind($$),
classBars = $$.classBars.bind($$);
mainBarUpdate = $$'.' + CLASS[_chartBars]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartBar])
mainBarUpdate = $$'.' + CLASS.chartBars).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartBar)
.attr('class', classChartBar);
mainBarEnter = mainBarUpdate.enter().append('g')
......@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForBar = function (targets) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawBar = function (durationForExit) {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS,
var $$ = this,
barData = $$.barData.bind($$),
classBar = $$.classBar.bind($$),
initialOpacity = $$.initialOpacity.bind($$),
color = function (d) { return $$.color(; };
$$.mainBar = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_bars]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_bar])
$$.mainBar = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.bars).selectAll('.' +
.attr("class", classBar)
......@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getBarW = function (axis, barTargetsNum) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.getBars = function (i) {
var $$ = this;
return $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_bar] + (isValue(i) ? '-' + i : ''));
return $$.main.selectAll('.' + + (isValue(i) ? '-' + i : ''));
c3_chart_internal_fn.expandBars = function (i) {
var $$ = this;
$$.getBars(i).classed(CLASS[_EXPANDED], true);
$$.getBars(i).classed(CLASS.EXPANDED, true);
c3_chart_internal_fn.unexpandBars = function (i) {
var $$ = this;
$$.getBars(i).classed(CLASS[_EXPANDED], false);
$$.getBars(i).classed(CLASS.EXPANDED, false);
c3_chart_internal_fn.generateDrawBar = function (barIndices, isSub) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
c3_chart_internal_fn.initLine = function () {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartLines]);
var $$ = this;
$$'.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.chartLines);
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForLine = function (targets) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS,
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
mainLineUpdate, mainLineEnter,
classChartLine = $$.classChartLine.bind($$),
classLines = $$.classLines.bind($$),
classAreas = $$.classAreas.bind($$),
classCircles = $$.classCircles.bind($$);
mainLineUpdate = $$'.' + CLASS[_chartLines]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartLine])
mainLineUpdate = $$'.' + CLASS.chartLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartLine)
.attr('class', classChartLine);
mainLineEnter = mainLineUpdate.enter().append('g')
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForLine = function (targets) {
.attr('class', classAreas);
// Circles for each data point on lines
.attr("class", function (d) { return $$.generateClass(CLASS[_selectedCircles],; });
.attr("class", function (d) { return $$.generateClass(CLASS.selectedCircles,; });
.attr("class", classCircles)
.style("cursor", function (d) { return config.data_selection_isselectable(d) ? "pointer" : null; });
// Update date for selected circles
targets.forEach(function (t) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_selectedCircles] + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + CLASS[_selectedCircle]).each(function (d) {
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.selectedCircles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix('.' + CLASS.selectedCircle).each(function (d) {
d.value = t.values[d.index].value;
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForLine = function (targets) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawLine = function (durationForExit) {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$.mainLine = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_lines]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_line])
var $$ = this;
$$.mainLine = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.lines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.line)
.attr('class', $$.classLine.bind($$))
......@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.lineWithRegions = function (d, x, y, _regions) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawArea = function (durationForExit) {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS, d3 = $$.d3;
$$.mainArea = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_areas]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_area])
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3;
$$.mainArea = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.areas).selectAll('.' + CLASS.area)
.attr("class", $$.classArea.bind($$))
......@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.generateGetAreaPoint = function (areaIndices, isSub) { // p
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawCircle = function () {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$.mainCircle = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_circles]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_circle])
var $$ = this;
$$.mainCircle = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.circles).selectAll('.' +
.attr("class", $$.classCircle.bind($$))
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.addTransitionForCircle = function (transitions, cx, cy) {
.style("fill", $$.color)
.attr("cx", cx)
.attr("cy", cy));
transitions.push($$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_selectedCircle]).transition()
transitions.push($$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.selectedCircle).transition()
.attr("cx", cx)
.attr("cy", cy));
......@@ -303,21 +303,21 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.circleY = function (d, i) {
c3_chart_internal_fn.getCircles = function (i, id) {
var $$ = this;
return (id ? $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_circles] + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)) : $$.main).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_circle] + (isValue(i) ? '-' + i : ''));
return (id ? $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.circles + $$.getTargetSelectorSuffix(id)) : $$.main).selectAll('.' + + (isValue(i) ? '-' + i : ''));
c3_chart_internal_fn.expandCircles = function (i, id) {
var $$ = this,
r = $$.pointExpandedR.bind($$);
$$.getCircles(i, id)
.classed(CLASS[_EXPANDED], true)
.classed(CLASS.EXPANDED, true)
.attr('r', r);
c3_chart_internal_fn.unexpandCircles = function (i) {
var $$ = this,
r = $$.pointR.bind($$);
.filter(function () { return $$[_EXPANDED]); })
.classed(CLASS[_EXPANDED], false)
.filter(function () { return $$; })
.classed(CLASS.EXPANDED, false)
.attr('r', r);
c3_chart_internal_fn.pointR = function (d) {
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getParentHeight = function () {
c3_chart_internal_fn.getSvgLeft = function () {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
leftAxisClass = config.axis_rotated ? CLASS[_axisX] : CLASS[_axisY],
leftAxisClass = config.axis_rotated ? CLASS.axisX : CLASS.axisY,
leftAxis = $$'.' + leftAxisClass).node(),
svgRect = leftAxis ? leftAxis.getBoundingClientRect() : {right: 0},
chartRect = $$.selectChart.node().getBoundingClientRect(),
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initBrush = function () {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3;
$$.brush = d3.svg.brush().on("brush", function () { $$.redrawForBrush(); });
$$.brush.update = function () {
if ($$.context) { $$'.' + $$.CLASS[_brush]).call(this); }
if ($$.context) { $$'.' + CLASS.brush).call(this); }
return this;
$$.brush.scale = function (scale) {
......@@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initSubchart = function () {
// Define g for chart area
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath)
.attr('class', CLASS[_chart]);
.attr('class', CLASS.chart);
// Define g for bar chart area'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartBars]);'.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.chartBars);
// Define g for line chart area'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartLines]);'.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.chartLines);
// Add extent rect for Brush
.attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath)
.attr("class", CLASS[_brush])
.attr("class", CLASS.brush)
.attr(config.axis_rotated ? "width" : "height", config.axis_rotated ? $$.width2 : $$.height2);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initSubchart = function () {
// ATTENTION: This must be called AFTER chart added
// Add Axis
$$.axes.subx = context.append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_axisX])
.attr("class", CLASS.axisX)
.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('subx'))
.attr("clip-path", config.axis_rotated ? "" : $$.clipPathForXAxis);
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForSubchart = function (targets) {
classAreas = $$.classAreas.bind($$);
if (config.subchart_show) {
contextBarUpdate ='.' + CLASS[_chartBars]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartBar])
contextBarUpdate ='.' + CLASS.chartBars).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartBar)
.attr('class', classChartBar);
contextBarEnter = contextBarUpdate.enter().append('g')
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForSubchart = function (targets) {
.attr("class", classBars);
//-- Line --//
contextLineUpdate ='.' + CLASS[_chartLines]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartLine])
contextLineUpdate ='.' + CLASS.chartLines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartLine)
.attr('class', classChartLine);
contextLineEnter = contextLineUpdate.enter().append('g')
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawSubchart = function (withSubchart, transitions, durat
drawBarOnSub = $$.generateDrawBar(barIndices, true);
drawLineOnSub = $$.generateDrawLine(lineIndices, true);
// bars
contextBar = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_bars]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_bar])
contextBar = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS.bars).selectAll('.' +
.attr("class", classBar)
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawSubchart = function (withSubchart, transitions, durat
.style('opacity', 0)
// lines
contextLine = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_lines]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_line])
contextLine = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS.lines).selectAll('.' + CLASS.line)
.attr('class', classLine)
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawSubchart = function (withSubchart, transitions, durat
.style('opacity', 0)
// area
contextArea = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_areas]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_area])
contextArea = context.selectAll('.' + CLASS.areas).selectAll('.' + CLASS.area)
.attr("class", classArea)
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.transformContext = function (withTransition, transitions) {
if (transitions && transitions.axisSubX) {
subXAxis = transitions.axisSubX;
} else {
subXAxis = $$'.' + CLASS[_axisX]);
subXAxis = $$'.' + CLASS.axisX);
if (withTransition) { subXAxis = subXAxis.transition(); }
$$.context.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate('context'));
c3_chart_internal_fn.initText = function () {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS;
$$'.' + CLASS[_chart]).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS[_chartTexts]);
var $$ = this;
$$'.' + CLASS.chart).append("g")
.attr("class", CLASS.chartTexts);
$$.mainText = $$.d3.selectAll([]);
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForText = function (targets) {
var $$ = this, CLASS = $$.CLASS, mainTextUpdate, mainTextEnter,
var $$ = this, mainTextUpdate, mainTextEnter,
classChartText = $$.classChartText.bind($$),
classTexts = $$.classTexts.bind($$);
mainTextUpdate = $$'.' + CLASS[_chartTexts]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_chartText])
mainTextUpdate = $$'.' + CLASS.chartTexts).selectAll('.' + CLASS.chartText)
.attr('class', classChartText);
mainTextEnter = mainTextUpdate.enter().append('g')
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.updateTargetsForText = function (targets) {
.attr('class', classTexts);
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawText = function (durationForExit) {
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS,
var $$ = this, config = $$.config,
barOrLineData = $$.barOrLineData.bind($$),
classText = $$.classText.bind($$);
$$.mainText = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS[_texts]).selectAll('.' + CLASS[_text])
$$.mainText = $$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.texts).selectAll('.' + CLASS.text)
.attr("class", classText)
......@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.getTooltipContent = function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaul
if (! text) {
title = titleFormat ? titleFormat(d[i].x) : d[i].x;
text = "<table class='" + CLASS[_tooltip] + "'>" + (title || title === 0 ? "<tr><th colspan='2'>" + title + "</th></tr>" : "");
text = "<table class='" + CLASS.tooltip + "'>" + (title || title === 0 ? "<tr><th colspan='2'>" + title + "</th></tr>" : "");
name = nameFormat(d[i].name);
value = valueFormat(d[i].value, d[i].ratio, d[i].id, d[i].index);
bgcolor = $$.levelColor ? $$.levelColor(d[i].value) : color(d[i].id);
text += "<tr class='" + CLASS[_tooltipName] + "-" + d[i].id + "'>";
text += "<tr class='" + CLASS.tooltipName + "-" + d[i].id + "'>";
text += "<td class='name'><span style='background-color:" + bgcolor + "'></span>" + name + "</td>";
text += "<td class='value'>" + value + "</td>";
text += "</tr>";
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ c3_chart_internal_fn.initZoom = function () {
c3_chart_internal_fn.updateZoom = function () {
var $$ = this, z = $$.config.zoom_enabled ? $$.zoom : function () {};
$$'.' + $$.CLASS[_zoomRect]).call(z);
$$.main.selectAll('.' + $$.CLASS[_eventRect]).call(z);
$$'.' + CLASS.zoomRect).call(z);
$$.main.selectAll('.' + CLASS.eventRect).call(z);
c3_chart_internal_fn.redrawForZoom = function () {
var $$ = this, d3 = $$.d3, config = $$.config, zoom = $$.zoom, x = $$.x, orgXDomain = $$.orgXDomain;
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