1. 29 May, 2014 12 commits
  2. 28 May, 2014 25 commits
  3. 27 May, 2014 3 commits
    • Brandon Bernal's avatar
      styling changes for #275 · 9cb24ac3
      Brandon Bernal authored
      Here are the styling changes moved to c3.css regarding #275
    • Brandon Bernal's avatar
      __data_empty_label when 0 targets to chart. · 8d64915c
      Brandon Bernal authored
      Code to place the chosen __data_empty_label in the center of the main chart when 0 targets supplied. Takes into account sub chart being active.
      Styling has been moved to c3.css
    • Brandon Bernal's avatar
      Arc of Gauge to expand on mouseover · f001f733
      Brandon Bernal authored
      I noticed that the mouseover effect of expanding and contracting was not happening with the arc gauge. I thought it was working before, and I don't know if it was taken out on purpose of left out during the refactoring of the arc portion of the code. Here is a fix that goes with the current code.