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  • Max Kellermann's avatar
    player/Thread: calculate `buffered_before_play` based on a fixed duration · 5b2374b9
    Max Kellermann authored
    Previously, there was the setting `buffered_before_play` which
    specified a percentage of the audio buffer, defaulting to `10%`.  That
    was working well enough for quite some time, until high-quality audio
    formats became common.
    At 44.1 kHz, 16 bit stereo, MPD collected 2.3 seconds worth of data in
    the buffer before starting playback.  With the same default settings
    and 192 kHz, 24 bit stereo, that was only 0.27 seconds.
    Making this depend on the byte size only leads to high latency at low
    quality, and too little data at high quality.  The natural choice
    would be to use a duration instead of a byte size, which should give
    the same good experience with all audio formats.
    Since the `buffered_before_play` configuration setting was not
    understood well by users and caused more harm than good, this commit
    deprecates it.  It has now no effect.
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