Commit 008723c6 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

ConfigGlobal: eliminate function config_get_next_param()

parent 9e0ce23a
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ listen_global_init(EventLoop &loop, Partition &partition, Error &error)
int port = config_get_positive(CONF_PORT, DEFAULT_PORT);
const struct config_param *param =
config_get_next_param(CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS, nullptr);
listen_socket = new ClientListener(loop, partition);
......@@ -129,10 +129,7 @@ listen_global_init(EventLoop &loop, Partition &partition, Error &error)
return false;
param = config_get_next_param(CONF_BIND_TO_ADDRESS,
} while (param != nullptr);
} while ((param = param->next) != nullptr);
} else {
/* no "bind_to_address" configured, bind the
configured port on all interfaces */
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ void initPermissions(void)
permission_default = PERMISSION_READ | PERMISSION_ADD |
param = config_get_next_param(CONF_PASSWORD, NULL);
param = config_get_param(CONF_PASSWORD);
if (param) {
permission_default = 0;
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void initPermissions(void)
} while ((param = config_get_next_param(CONF_PASSWORD, param)));
} while ((param = param->next) != nullptr);
param = config_get_param(CONF_DEFAULT_PERMS);
......@@ -74,12 +74,10 @@ void config_global_check(void)
const struct config_param *
config_get_next_param(ConfigOption option, const struct config_param * last)
const config_param *
config_get_param(ConfigOption option)
config_param *param = last != nullptr
? last->next
: config_data.params[unsigned(option)];
config_param *param = config_data.params[unsigned(option)];
if (param != nullptr)
param->used = true;
return param;
......@@ -88,8 +86,8 @@ config_get_next_param(ConfigOption option, const struct config_param * last)
const config_param *
config_find_block(ConfigOption option, const char *key, const char *value)
const config_param *param = nullptr;
while ((param = config_get_next_param(option, param)) != nullptr) {
for (const config_param *param = config_get_param(option);
param != nullptr; param = param->next) {
const char *value2 = param->GetBlockValue(key);
if (value2 == nullptr)
FormatFatalError("block without '%s' name in line %d",
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
class Error;
class Path;
class AllocatedPath;
struct config_param;
void config_global_init(void);
void config_global_finish(void);
......@@ -39,19 +40,9 @@ void config_global_check(void);
ReadConfigFile(Path path, Error &error);
/* don't free the returned value
set _last_ to nullptr to get first entry */
const struct config_param *
config_get_next_param(enum ConfigOption option,
const struct config_param *last);
static inline const struct config_param *
config_get_param(enum ConfigOption option)
return config_get_next_param(option, nullptr);
const config_param *
config_get_param(enum ConfigOption option);
* Find a block with a matching attribute.
......@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ CreateNeighborExplorer(EventLoop &loop, NeighborListener &listener,
NeighborGlue::Init(EventLoop &loop, NeighborListener &listener, Error &error)
const config_param *param = nullptr;
while ((param = config_get_next_param(CONF_NEIGHBORS, param))) {
for (const config_param *param = config_get_param(CONF_NEIGHBORS);
param != nullptr; param = param->next) {
NeighborExplorer *explorer =
CreateNeighborExplorer(loop, listener, *param, error);
if (explorer == nullptr) {
......@@ -73,9 +73,8 @@ LoadOutput(EventLoop &event_loop, MixerListener &mixer_listener,
MultipleOutputs::Configure(EventLoop &event_loop, PlayerControl &pc)
const config_param *param = nullptr;
while ((param = config_get_next_param(CONF_AUDIO_OUTPUT,
param)) != nullptr) {
for (const config_param *param = config_get_param(CONF_AUDIO_OUTPUT);
param != nullptr; param = param->next) {
auto output = LoadOutput(event_loop, mixer_listener,
pc, *param);
if (FindByName(output->name) != nullptr)
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