Commit 0505cb8f authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

db/Print: move code to PrintSongUris()

parent 2cfccc1c
......@@ -285,8 +285,11 @@ handle_list(Client &client, Request args, Response &r)
return CommandResult::ERROR;
PrintUniqueTags(r, client.GetPartition(),
tagType, group_mask, filter.get());
if (tagType == LOCATE_TAG_FILE_TYPE)
PrintSongUris(r, client.GetPartition(), filter.get());
PrintUniqueTags(r, client.GetPartition(),
tagType, group_mask, filter.get());
return CommandResult::OK;
......@@ -273,6 +273,20 @@ PrintSongURIVisitor(Response &r, const LightSong &song) noexcept
song_print_uri(r, song);
PrintSongUris(Response &r, Partition &partition,
const SongFilter *filter)
const Database &db = partition.GetDatabaseOrThrow();
const DatabaseSelection selection("", true, filter);
using namespace std::placeholders;
const auto f = std::bind(PrintSongURIVisitor,
std::ref(r), _1);
db.Visit(selection, f);
static void
PrintUniqueTag(Response &r, TagType tag_type,
const Tag &tag) noexcept
......@@ -292,22 +306,15 @@ PrintUniqueTags(Response &r, Partition &partition,
unsigned type, TagMask group_mask,
const SongFilter *filter)
assert(type < TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES);
const Database &db = partition.GetDatabaseOrThrow();
const DatabaseSelection selection("", true, filter);
if (type == LOCATE_TAG_FILE_TYPE) {
using namespace std::placeholders;
const auto f = std::bind(PrintSongURIVisitor,
std::ref(r), _1);
db.Visit(selection, f);
} else {
assert(type < TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES);
using namespace std::placeholders;
const auto f = std::bind(PrintUniqueTag, std::ref(r),
(TagType)type, _1);
db.VisitUniqueTags(selection, (TagType)type,
group_mask, f);
using namespace std::placeholders;
const auto f = std::bind(PrintUniqueTag, std::ref(r),
(TagType)type, _1);
db.VisitUniqueTags(selection, (TagType)type,
group_mask, f);
......@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ db_selection_print(Response &r, Partition &partition,
unsigned window_start, unsigned window_end);
PrintSongUris(Response &r, Partition &partition,
const SongFilter *filter);
PrintUniqueTags(Response &r, Partition &partition,
unsigned type, TagMask group_mask,
const SongFilter *filter);
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