@@ -773,35 +773,11 @@ Mounting is only possible with the simple database plugin and a :code:`cache_dir
@@ -773,35 +773,11 @@ Mounting is only possible with the simple database plugin and a :code:`cache_dir
This requires migrating from the old :code:`db_file` setting to a database section. The cache directory must exist, and :program:`MPD` will put one file per mount there, which will be reused when the same storage is used again later.
This requires migrating from the old :code:`db_file` setting to a database section. The cache directory must exist, and :program:`MPD` will put one file per mount there, which will be reused when the same storage is used again later.
.. _tags:
When scanning or playing a song, :program:`MPD` parses its metadata. The following tags are supported:
When scanning or playing a song, :program:`MPD` parses its metadata.
See :ref:`tags` for a list of supported tags.
* **artist**: the artist name. Its meaning is not well-defined; see "*composer*" and "*performer*" for more specific tags.
* **artistsort**: same as artist, but for sorting. This usually omits prefixes such as "The".
* **album**: the album name.
* **albumsort**: same as album, but for sorting.
* **albumartist**: on multi-artist albums, this is the artist name which shall be used for the whole album. The exact meaning of this tag is not well-defined.
* **albumartistsort**: same as albumartist, but for sorting.
* **title**: the song title.
* **track**: the decimal track number within the album.
* **name**: a name for this song. This is not the song title. The exact meaning of this tag is not well-defined. It is often used by badly configured internet radio stations with broken tags to squeeze both the artist name and the song title in one tag.
* **genre**: the music genre.
* **date**: the song's release date. This is usually a 4-digit year.
* **composer**: the artist who composed the song.
* **performer**: the artist who performed the song.
* **comment**: a human-readable comment about this song. The exact meaning of this tag is not well-defined.
* **disc**: the decimal disc number in a multi-disc album.
* **label**: the name of the label or publisher.
* **musicbrainz_artistid**: the artist id in the `MusicBrainz <https://picard.musicbrainz.org/docs/mappings/>`_ database.
* **musicbrainz_albumid**: the album id in the `MusicBrainz <https://picard.musicbrainz.org/docs/mappings/>`_ database.
* **musicbrainz_albumartistid**: the album artist id in the `MusicBrainz <https://picard.musicbrainz.org/docs/mappings/>`_ database.
* **musicbrainz_trackid**: the track id in the `MusicBrainz <https://picard.musicbrainz.org/docs/mappings/>`_ database.
* **musicbrainz_releasetrackid**: the release track id in the `MusicBrainz <https://picard.musicbrainz.org/docs/mappings/>`_ database.
* **musicbrainz_workid**: the work id in the `MusicBrainz <https://picard.musicbrainz.org/docs/mappings/>`_ database.
The :ref:`metadata_to_use <metadata_to_use>` setting can be used to
The :ref:`metadata_to_use <metadata_to_use>` setting can be used to