Commit 1db533c8 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

decoder/opus: move formula to EbuR128ToReplayGain()

parent 78ee6636
......@@ -63,6 +63,17 @@ IsOpusTags(const ogg_packet &packet) noexcept
return packet.bytes >= 8 && memcmp(packet.packet, "OpusTags", 8) == 0;
* Convert an EBU R128 value to ReplayGain.
constexpr float
EbuR128ToReplayGain(float ebu_r128) noexcept
/* add 5dB to compensate for the different reference levels
between ReplayGain (89dB) and EBU R128 (-23 LUFS) */
return ebu_r128 + 5;
mpd_opus_init([[maybe_unused]] const ConfigBlock &block)
......@@ -249,13 +260,7 @@ MPDOpusDecoder::HandleTags(const ogg_packet &packet)
ReplayGainInfo rgi;
* Add 5dB to compensate for the different
* reference levels between ReplayGain (89dB) and EBU R128 (-23 LUFS).
rgi.track.gain = output_gain + 5;
rgi.album.gain = output_gain + 5;
rgi.track.gain = rgi.album.gain = EbuR128ToReplayGain(output_gain);
TagBuilder tag_builder;
AddTagHandler h(tag_builder);
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