Commit 34759075 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

SongLoader: throw PlaylistError on error

parent fe4b1f96
......@@ -45,11 +45,10 @@ SongLoader::LoadFromDatabase(const char *uri, Error &error) const
return DatabaseDetachSong(*db, *storage, uri, error);
error.Set(playlist_domain, int(PlaylistResult::NO_SUCH_SONG),
"No database");
return nullptr;
throw PlaylistError(PlaylistResult::NO_SUCH_SONG, "No database");
DetachedSong *
......@@ -63,14 +62,13 @@ SongLoader::LoadFile(const char *path_utf8, Path path_fs, Error &error) const
directory - obtain it from the database */
return LoadFromDatabase(suffix, error);
DetachedSong song(path_utf8);
if (!song.LoadFile(path_fs)) {
error.Set(playlist_domain, int(PlaylistResult::NO_SUCH_SONG),
"No such file");
return nullptr;
if (!song.LoadFile(path_fs))
throw PlaylistError::NoSuchSong();
return new DetachedSong(std::move(song));
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