Commit 44eb26c1 authored by Warren Dukes's avatar Warren Dukes

new commands: enalbe_device, and disable_device, (maybe these commands should be…

new commands: enalbe_device, and disable_device, (maybe these commands should be toggles instead of two seperate commands?) also, on close device, close the shout connection git-svn-id: 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
parent 69176148
......@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
*) have children ignore SIGHUP
*) put more debugging info when failing to read/write db and other similar
*) crosslink "list" stuff, for example, artists are crosslinked to alubms and
......@@ -65,4 +65,10 @@ int isCurrentAudioFormat(AudioFormat * audioFormat);
void sendMetadataToAudioDevice(MpdTag * tag);
/* these functions are called in the main parent process while the child
process is busy playing to the audio */
int enableAudioDevice(FILE * fp, int device);
int disableAudioDevice(FILE * fp, int device);
......@@ -289,6 +289,10 @@ static void myShout_finishDriver(AudioOutput * audioOutput) {
static void myShout_closeDevice(AudioOutput * audioOutput) {
ShoutData * sd = (ShoutData *)audioOutput->data;
audioOutput->open = 0;
......@@ -376,7 +380,9 @@ static int myShout_openShoutConn(AudioOutput * audioOutput) {
ShoutData * sd = (ShoutData *)audioOutput->data;
time_t t = time(NULL);
if(t - sd->lastAttempt < CONN_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL) {
if(sd->connAttempts!= 0 &&
(t - sd->lastAttempt) < CONN_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL)
return -1;
......@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
#define COMMAND_URL_HANDLERS "urlhandlers"
#define COMMAND_PLCHANGES "plchanges"
#define COMMAND_CURRENTSONG "currentsong"
#define COMMAND_ENABLE_DEV "enable_device"
#define COMMAND_DISABLE_DEV "disable_device"
#define COMMAND_STATUS_VOLUME "volume"
#define COMMAND_STATUS_STATE "state"
......@@ -756,6 +758,38 @@ int handleCrossfade(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
return 0;
int handleEnableDevice(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission, int argArrayLength,
char ** argArray)
int device;
char * test;
device = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
if(*test!='\0' || device<0) {
commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_ARG,
"\"%s\" is not a integer >= 0", argArray[1]);
return -1;
return enableAudioDevice(fp, device);
int handleDisableDevice(FILE * fp, unsigned int * permission,
int argArrayLength, char ** argArray)
int device;
char * test;
device = strtol(argArray[1],&test,10);
if(*test!='\0' || device<0) {
commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_ARG,
"\"%s\" is not a integer >= 0", argArray[1]);
return -1;
return disableAudioDevice(fp, device);
void initCommands() {
commandList = makeList(free);
......@@ -804,6 +838,8 @@ void initCommands() {
addCommand(COMMAND_URL_HANDLERS,PERMISSION_READ, 0, 0,handleUrlHandlers,NULL);
addCommand(COMMAND_PLCHANGES ,PERMISSION_READ, 1, 1,handlePlaylistChanges,NULL);
addCommand(COMMAND_ENABLE_DEV ,PERMISSION_ADMIN, 1, 1,handleEnableDevice,NULL);
addCommand(COMMAND_DISABLE_DEV ,PERMISSION_ADMIN, 1, 1,handleDisableDevice,NULL);
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