Commit 538701e7 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

player_thread: fill buffer after seeking

After a seek, wait until enough new chunks are decoded before starting playback. If this takes too long, send silence chunks to the audio outputs meanwhile.
parent 2b578631
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ ver 0.15 - (200?/??/??)
* listen: fix broken client IP addresses in log
* 32 bit audio support
* Print available protocols in --version
* fill buffer after seeking
ver 0.14.2 (2009/02/13)
......@@ -300,9 +300,8 @@ static bool player_seek_decoder(struct player *player)
player->xfade = XFADE_UNKNOWN;
/* abort buffering when the user has requested
a seek */
player->buffering = false;
/* re-fill the buffer after seeking */
player->buffering = true;
......@@ -588,6 +587,13 @@ static void do_play(void)
if (music_pipe_size(player.pipe) < pc.buffered_before_play &&
!decoder_is_idle()) {
/* not enough decoded buffer space yet */
if (!player.paused &&
audio_format_defined(&player.play_audio_format) &&
audio_output_all_check() < 4 &&
} else {
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