Commit 5af2632d authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann use javac instead of javah to generate JNI header

javah is deprecated.
parent 44a31357
......@@ -333,11 +333,11 @@ android/build/classes.dex: $(JAVA_SOURCE_PATHS) android/build/gen/org/musicpd/R.
$(JAVAC) -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -Xlint:-options \
-h android/build/include \
$(DX) --dex --output $@ $(JAVA_CLASSFILES_DIR)
android/build/include/org_musicpd_Bridge.h: android/build/classes.dex
javah -classpath $(ANDROID_SDK_PLATFORM_DIR)/android.jar:$(JAVA_CLASSFILES_DIR) -d $(@D) org.musicpd.Bridge
BUILT_SOURCES = android/build/include/org_musicpd_Bridge.h
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