Commit 7cfe929c authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

db/Count: print empty group if song without grouped tag exists

Be consistent with "list" responses.
parent 6c06244e
ver 0.20.22 (not yet released)
* protocol
- add tag fallbacks for AlbumArtistSort, ArtistSort
- "count group ..." can print an empty group
* storage
- curl: URL-encode paths
* Android
......@@ -1599,6 +1599,11 @@ OK
per-artist counts:
<programlisting>count group artist</programlisting>
A group with an empty value contains counts of matching
song which don't this group tag. It exists only if at
least one such song is found.
......@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ GroupCountVisitor(TagCountMap &map, TagType group, const LightSong &song)
assert(song.tag != nullptr);
const Tag &tag = *song.tag;
VisitTagWithFallback(tag, group,
std::bind(CollectGroupCounts, std::ref(map),
VisitTagWithFallbackOrEmpty(tag, group,
std::bind(CollectGroupCounts, std::ref(map),
......@@ -49,4 +49,12 @@ VisitTagWithFallback(const Tag &tag, TagType type, F &&f) noexcept
template<typename F>
VisitTagWithFallbackOrEmpty(const Tag &tag, TagType type, F &&f) noexcept
if (!VisitTagWithFallback(tag, type, f))
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