Commit 91fb7fa3 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

queue/Playlist: pass unsigned to PlayOrder()

parent 7b701530
......@@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ playlist::UpdateQueuedSong(PlayerControl &pc, const DetachedSong *prev)
playlist::PlayOrder(PlayerControl &pc, int order, Error &error)
playlist::PlayOrder(PlayerControl &pc, unsigned order, Error &error)
playing = true;
queued = -1;
const DetachedSong &song = queue.GetOrder(order);
FormatDebug(playlist_domain, "play %i:\"%s\"", order, song.GetURI());
FormatDebug(playlist_domain, "play %u:\"%s\"", order, song.GetURI());
current = order;
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ public:
bool PlayPosition(PlayerControl &pc, int position, Error &error);
bool PlayOrder(PlayerControl &pc, int order, Error &error);
bool PlayOrder(PlayerControl &pc, unsigned order, Error &error);
bool PlayId(PlayerControl &pc, int id, Error &error);
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