Commit b4c517c5 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

song/AudioFormatFilter: add mask support

parent b39bc85e
......@@ -278,6 +278,14 @@
"<code>(AudioFormat =~ 'SAMPLERATE:BITS:CHANNELS')</code>":
matches the audio format with the given mask (i.e. one
or more attributes may be "<code>*</code>").
"<code>(!EXPRESSION)</code>": negate an expression.
......@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@
AudioFormatSongFilter::ToExpression() const noexcept
// TODO: support mask
return std::string("(AudioFormat == \"") + ToString(value).c_str() + "\")";
return std::string("(AudioFormat ") +
(value.IsFullyDefined() ? "==" : "=~") +
" \"" + ToString(value).c_str() + "\")";
AudioFormatSongFilter::Match(const LightSong &song) const noexcept
// TODO: support mask
return song.audio_format == value;
return song.audio_format.IsDefined() &&
......@@ -245,14 +245,18 @@ SongFilter::ParseExpression(const char *&s, bool fold_case)
return std::make_unique<BaseSongFilter>(std::move(value));
} else if (type == LOCATE_TAG_AUDIO_FORMAT) {
if (s[0] != '=' || s[1] != '=')
throw std::runtime_error("'==' expected");
bool mask;
if (s[0] == '=' && s[1] == '=')
mask = false;
else if (s[0] == '=' && s[1] == '~')
mask = true;
throw std::runtime_error("'==' or '=~' expected");
s = StripLeft(s + 2);
// TODO: support mask
const auto value = ParseAudioFormat(ExpectQuoted(s).c_str(),
if (*s != ')')
throw std::runtime_error("')' expected");
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