Commit b59aa757 authored by Eric Wong's avatar Eric Wong

remove the glib library dependency

We never used many features from it, so there's no point in keeping it and forcing people to install a non-standard library. It may be standard on many GNU/Linux distributions, but there are many other UNIXes out there. This makes life much easier for people cross-compiling (like me :) git-svn-id: 09075e82-0dd4-0310-85a5-a0d7c8717e4f
parent 210ab3b9
......@@ -89,9 +89,6 @@ AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl,gethostbyname,MPD_LIBS="$MPD_LIBS -lnsl",)
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, glib-2.0 >= 2.0, [MPD_LIBS="$MPD_LIBS $GLIB_LIBS" MPD_CFLAGS="$MPD_CFLAGS $GLIB_CFLAGS"],[echo "";echo "** ERROR:Unable to find glib-2.0 of version 2.0 or above **" ; exit 1])
dnl doesn't work for systems that don't have CODESET like OpenBSD
dnl AC_CHECK_HEADER(langinfo.h,[enable_langinfo=yes;AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LANGINFO,1,[Define if nl_langinfo.h is present])],enable_langinfo=no)
......@@ -775,7 +775,6 @@ static int addToDirectory(Directory * directory, char * shortname, char * name)
void closeMp3Directory() {
static Directory * findSubDirectory(Directory * directory,char * name) {
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ int insertInListWithoutKey(List * list, void * data) {
/* if _key_ is not found, *_node_ is assigned to the node before which
the info would be found */
static int findNodeInList(List * list, char * key, ListNode ** node, int * pos) {
int findNodeInList(List * list, char * key, ListNode ** node, int * pos) {
long high;
long low;
long cur;
......@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ void deleteNodeFromList(List * list,ListNode * node);
int findInList(List * list, char * key, void ** data);
/* if _key_ is not found, *_node_ is assigned to the node before which
the info would be found */
int findNodeInList(List * list, char * key, ListNode ** node, int * pos);
/* frees memory malloc'd for list and its nodes
* _list_ -> List to be free'd
......@@ -18,13 +18,12 @@
#include "tagTracker.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "log.h"
#include <glib/gtree.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static GTree * tagLists[TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES] =
static List * tagLists[TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES] =
......@@ -40,124 +39,117 @@ typedef struct tagTrackerItem {
mpd_sint8 visited;
} TagTrackerItem;
static int keyCompare(const void *a, const void *b, void *data) {
return strcmp(a,b);
char * getTagItemString(int type, char * string) {
TagTrackerItem * item;
TagTrackerItem ** itemPointer = &item;
char *key;
char **keyPointer = &key;
ListNode * node;
int pos;
if(tagLists[type] == NULL) {
tagLists[type] = g_tree_new_full(keyCompare, NULL, free, free);
tagLists[type] = makeList(free, 1);
if((TagTrackerItem *)g_tree_lookup_extended(tagLists[type], string, (void**)keyPointer, (void**)itemPointer )) {
if(findNodeInList(tagLists[type], string, &node, &pos)) {
((TagTrackerItem *)node->data)->count++;
else {
item = malloc(sizeof(TagTrackerItem));
TagTrackerItem * item = malloc(sizeof(TagTrackerItem));
item->count = 1;
item->visited = 0;
key = strdup(string);
g_tree_insert(tagLists[type], key, item);
node = insertInListBeforeNode(tagLists[type], node, pos,
string, item);
return key;
return node->key;
void removeTagItemString(int type, char * string) {
TagTrackerItem *item;
ListNode * node;
int pos;
if(tagLists[type] == NULL) return;
if((item = g_tree_lookup(tagLists[type], string))) {
if(findNodeInList(tagLists[type], string, &node, &pos)) {
TagTrackerItem * item = node->data;
if(item->count <= 0) g_tree_remove(tagLists[type], string);
if(item->count <= 0) deleteNodeFromList(tagLists[type], node);
/* why would this be done??? free it when mpd quits...
if(tagLists[type]->numberOfNodes == 0) {
if(tagLists[type]->numberOfNodes == 0) {
tagLists[type] = NULL;
void destroyTagTracker() {
int type;
for (type=0; type < TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; type ++)
if (tagLists[type])
int getNumberOfTagItems(int type) {
if(tagLists[type] == NULL) return 0;
return g_tree_nnodes(tagLists[type]);
return tagLists[type]->numberOfNodes;
static int calcSavedMemory(char *key, TagTrackerItem* value, int* sum) {
*sum -= sizeof(int) + 4*sizeof(void*); /* sizeof(_GTreeNode) */
*sum -= sizeof(TagTrackerItem);
*sum += (strlen(key)+1)*value->count;
return FALSE;
void printMemorySavedByTagTracker() {
int i;
ListNode * node;
size_t sum = 0;
for(i = 0; i < TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES; i++) {
if(!tagLists[i]) continue;
sum -= 5*sizeof(void*);/* sizeof(_GTree) */
g_tree_foreach(tagLists[i], (GTraverseFunc)calcSavedMemory, &sum);
sum -= sizeof(List);
node = tagLists[i]->firstNode;
while(node != NULL) {
sum -= sizeof(ListNode);
sum -= sizeof(TagTrackerItem);
sum -= sizeof(node->key);
sum += (strlen(node->key)+1)*(*((int *)node->data));
node = node->nextNode;
DEBUG("saved memory from tags: %li\n", (long)sum);
static int resetVisitedFlag(char *key, TagTrackerItem *value, void *data) {
value->visited = 0;
return FALSE;
void resetVisitedFlagsInTagTracker(int type) {
ListNode * node;
if(!tagLists[type]) return;
g_tree_foreach(tagLists[type], (GTraverseFunc)resetVisitedFlag, NULL);
node = tagLists[type]->firstNode;
while(node) {
((TagTrackerItem *)node->data)->visited = 0;
node = node->nextNode;
void visitInTagTracker(int type, char * str) {
TagTrackerItem * item;
void * item;
if(!tagLists[type]) return;
if(!(item = g_tree_lookup(tagLists[type], str))) return;
item->visited = 1;
struct _PrintVisitedUserdata {
FILE *fp;
char *type;
if(!findInList(tagLists[type], str, &item)) return;
static int printVisitedFlag(char *key, TagTrackerItem* value, struct _PrintVisitedUserdata *data) {
if(value->visited) myfprintf(data->fp, "%s: %s\n", data->type, key);
return FALSE;
((TagTrackerItem *)item)->visited = 1;
void printVisitedInTagTracker(FILE * fp, int type) {
struct _PrintVisitedUserdata data = {fp, mpdTagItemKeys[type]};
ListNode * node;
TagTrackerItem * item;
if(!tagLists[type]) return;
g_tree_foreach( tagLists[type], (GTraverseFunc)printVisitedFlag, (void*)&data);
node = tagLists[type]->firstNode;
while(node) {
item = node->data;
if(item->visited) {
myfprintf(fp, "%s: %s\n", mpdTagItemKeys[type],
node = node->nextNode;
......@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
char * getTagItemString(int type, char * string);
void removeTagItemString(int type, char * string);
void destroyTagTracker();
int getNumberOfTagItems(int type);
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