Commit caa2611a authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

event/SocketEvent: add Abandon()

parent f8ff5979
......@@ -86,6 +86,15 @@ SocketEvent::Schedule(unsigned flags) noexcept
SocketEvent::Abandon() noexcept
if (std::exchange(scheduled_flags, 0) != 0)
fd = SocketDescriptor::Undefined();
SocketEvent::Dispatch() noexcept
const unsigned flags = std::exchange(ready_flags, 0) &
......@@ -121,6 +121,18 @@ public:
void Close() noexcept;
* Call this instead of Cancel() to unregister this object
* after the underlying socket has already been closed. This
* skips the `EPOLL_CTL_DEL` call because the kernel
* automatically removes closed file descriptors from epoll.
* Doing `EPOLL_CTL_DEL` on a closed file descriptor usually
* fails with `-EBADF` or could unregister a different socket
* which happens to be on the same file descriptor number.
void Abandon() noexcept;
unsigned GetScheduledFlags() const noexcept {
return scheduled_flags;
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