Commit fef14683 authored by Max Kellermann's avatar Max Kellermann

mp4: get decoder command from decoder_data()

Eliminate a superfluous decoder_get_command() call. decoder_data() already returns the command.
parent 11404b5d
......@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ mp4_decode(struct decoder *mpd_decoder, struct input_stream *input_stream)
bool seeking = false;
double seek_where = 0;
bool initialized = false;
enum decoder_command cmd = DECODE_COMMAND_NONE;
mp4fh = mp4ff_open_read(&callback);
if (!mp4fh) {
......@@ -191,8 +192,10 @@ mp4_decode(struct decoder *mpd_decoder, struct input_stream *input_stream)
seek_table = g_malloc(sizeof(float) * num_samples);
for (sample_id = 0; sample_id < num_samples; sample_id++) {
if (decoder_get_command(mpd_decoder) == DECODE_COMMAND_SEEK) {
for (sample_id = 0;
sample_id < num_samples && cmd != DECODE_COMMAND_STOP;
sample_id++) {
seeking = true;
seek_where = decoder_seek_where(mpd_decoder);
......@@ -288,11 +291,9 @@ mp4_decode(struct decoder *mpd_decoder, struct input_stream *input_stream)
sample_buffer += offset * channels * 2;
decoder_data(mpd_decoder, input_stream, sample_buffer,
sample_buffer_length, file_time,
bit_rate, NULL);
if (decoder_get_command(mpd_decoder) == DECODE_COMMAND_STOP)
cmd = decoder_data(mpd_decoder, input_stream,
sample_buffer, sample_buffer_length,
file_time, bit_rate, NULL);
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