1. 31 May, 2021 2 commits
  2. 26 May, 2021 2 commits
  3. 25 May, 2021 2 commits
  4. 24 May, 2021 1 commit
  5. 22 May, 2021 3 commits
  6. 19 May, 2021 1 commit
  7. 18 May, 2021 1 commit
  8. 17 May, 2021 1 commit
  9. 26 Apr, 2021 2 commits
  10. 15 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  11. 13 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  12. 10 Mar, 2021 1 commit
    • bitkeeper's avatar
      Added cross-origin header to http headers of the http output. · c08a8581
      bitkeeper authored
      The current http output doesn't provide a header for cross-origin support. This prevents to use the mpd http stream directly from an other webapplication due the origin from the webpage differs from then the audio stream.
      The fix is to add the following header to the http response:
      Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
  13. 05 Mar, 2021 2 commits
  14. 04 Mar, 2021 3 commits
    • Shen-Ta Hsieh's avatar
      src/output: add algorithm for finding usable AudioFormat · da642b28
      Shen-Ta Hsieh authored
      * Use PcmExport for 24bit packed output
    • Érico Rolim's avatar
      time/ISO8601: don't use glibc extension in strptime. · 8d80280a
      Érico Rolim authored
      Per the manual for strptime, %F is equivalent %Y-%m-%d, so use that
    • Érico Rolim's avatar
      storage/plugins/CurlStorage: don't use glibc extension in · c95e3dc0
      Érico Rolim authored
      %Z is a glibc extension to strptime, and is a no-op there, due to the
      mapping between timezone names and their definition (especially when the
      name comes from a different machine) being ambiguous / impossible.  Time
      in HTTP headers is guaranteed to be UTC.
      Passing an unknown format to strptime() implementations that don't
      support it will generally cause them to return NULL, which will lead to
      ParseTimePoint throwing an exception and ParseTimeStamp using an
      unnecessary fallback.
      Since the timezone name goes at the end of the string, we don't need to
      use %Z to skip it (could be an issue in a different time stamp format),
      so simply removing %Z works best.
  15. 22 Feb, 2021 1 commit
  16. 17 Feb, 2021 1 commit
  17. 16 Feb, 2021 3 commits
  18. 15 Feb, 2021 6 commits
  19. 07 Feb, 2021 3 commits
  20. 21 Jan, 2021 3 commits