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Commit 5de00bdc authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm play anydesk: force get 6.1.* packages, fix repack

parent fd8ffde8
......@@ -28,11 +28,12 @@ repack=''
# general msk
PKGMASK="$($DISTRVENDOR -p)/$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "*" $arch '' '_')"
#PKGMASK="$($DISTRVENDOR -p)/$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "*" $arch '' '_')"
PKGMASK="$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "6.1*" $arch '' '_')"
# we miss obsoleted libpangox on ALT, so use RHEL8 build
# lib.req: WARNING: /usr/bin/anydesk: library not found
[ "$($DISTRVENDOR -s)" = "alt" ] && PKGMASK="os-specific/rhel8/$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "*" $arch)"
#[ "$($DISTRVENDOR -s)" = "alt" ] && PKGMASK="os-specific/rhel8/$(epm print constructname $PKGNAME "*" $arch)"
PKG="$($EGET --list --latest $PKGMASK)" || fatal "Can't get package URL"
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ SPEC="$2"
. $(dirname $0)/
#mkdir -p $BUILDROOT/etc/systemd/system/
#mv -fv $BUILDROOT/usr/share/anydesk/files/systemd/anydesk.service $BUILDROOT/etc/systemd/system/anydesk.service
#subst "s|/usr/share/anydesk/files/systemd/anydesk.service|/etc/systemd/system/anydesk.service|g" $SPEC
......@@ -21,19 +23,33 @@ epm install --skip-installed fontconfig glib2 libatk libcairo libfreetype libgdk
subst '1iAutoProv:no' $SPEC
# preloaded from /usr/lib64/anydesk/, drop external requires
subst '1i%filter_from_requires /^*/d' $SPEC
subst '1i%filter_from_requires /^*/d' $SPEC
subst '1i%filter_from_requires /^*/d' $SPEC
remove_file usr/share/anydesk/files/init/anydesk
# put service file to the normal place
mkdir -p $BUILDROOT/etc/systemd/system/
cp $BUILDROOT/usr/share/anydesk/files/systemd/anydesk.service $BUILDROOT/etc/systemd/system/anydesk.service
remove_file /usr/share/anydesk/files/systemd/anydesk.service
pack_file /etc/systemd/system/anydesk.service
[ -d $BUILDROOT$LIBDIR ] || LIBDIR=/usr/lib
# don't check lib if missed
[ ! -d $BUILDROOT$LIBDIR ] && exit
epm assure patchelf || exit
for i in $BUILDROOT$LIBDIR/anydesk/{libgdkglext-x11-1.0.*,libgtkglext-x11-1.0.*} ; do
a= patchelf --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/' $i
# /usr/libexec/anydesk: library not found
for i in $BUILDROOT/usr/libexec/anydesk ; do
a= patchelf --set-rpath "$LIBDIR/anydesk" $i
# preloaded from /usr/lib64/anydesk/, drop external requires
subst '1i%filter_from_requires /^*/d' $SPEC
subst '1i%filter_from_requires /^*/d' $SPEC
subst '1i%filter_from_requires /^*/d' $SPEC
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