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Commit acf7c7cd authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

epm-repack: don't intersect with source rpm package

parent 675c1be6
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ __epm_repack_rpm()
local abspkg
for pkg in $* ; do
local tmpbuilddir=$HOME/repack-$(basename $pkg)
local tmpbuilddir=$HOME/$(basename $pkg).tmpdir
mkdir $tmpbuilddir
abspkg="$(realpath $pkg)"
info ""
......@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ __epm_repack_rpm()
# alien failed with spaced names
# alpkg=$abspkg
alpkg=$(basename $pkg)
# don't use abs package path: copy package to temp dir and use there
cp -v $pkg $tmpbuilddir/../$alpkg
cd $tmpbuilddir || fatal
docmd fakeroot alien --generate --to-rpm $verbose $scripts "../$alpkg" || fatal
......@@ -191,8 +192,9 @@ __epm_repack_rpm()
a='' fakeroot rpmbuild --buildroot $tmpbuilddir/$subdir --define='_allow_root_build 1' -bb $spec >/dev/null || fatal
mv $tmpbuilddir/../*.rpm $tmpbuilddir/
local repacked_rpm="$(realpath $tmpbuilddir/*.rpm)"
# remove copy of source binary package (don't mix with generated)
rm -f $tmpbuilddir/../$alpkg
local repacked_rpm="$(realpath $tmpbuilddir/../*.rpm)"
if [ -s "$repacked_rpm" ] ; then
repacked_rpms="$repacked_rpms $repacked_rpm"
to_remove_pkg_files="$to_remove_pkg_files $repacked_rpm"
......@@ -201,7 +203,6 @@ __epm_repack_rpm()
cd - >/dev/null
rm -rf $tmpbuilddir/$subdir/
#rm -rf $tmpbuilddir/../*.rpm
rm -rf $spec
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