Commit fb89b350 authored by Vitaly Lipatov's avatar Vitaly Lipatov

add ActiveDS related CLSIDs

parent 776ae555
...@@ -17,3 +17,14 @@ ...@@ -17,3 +17,14 @@
"{dfc8bdc0-e378-11d0-9b30-0080c7e9fe95}" "" "MSDAOSP" "Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider" URL "{dfc8bdc0-e378-11d0-9b30-0080c7e9fe95}" "" "MSDAOSP" "Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider" URL
"{e8cc4cbe-fdff-11d0-b865-00a0c9081c1d}" "" "MSDAORA" "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" URL "{e8cc4cbe-fdff-11d0-b865-00a0c9081c1d}" "" "MSDAORA" "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" URL
"{F9AE8980-7E52-11d0-8964-00C04FD611D7}" "" "MSIDXS" "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service" URL "{F9AE8980-7E52-11d0-8964-00C04FD611D7}" "" "MSIDXS" "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service" URL
# See:
"{228D9A81-C302-11CF-9AA4-00AA004A5691}" "" "CLSID_LDAP" "LDAP is the component object model identifier of the LDAP class"
"{228D9A82-C302-11CF-9AA4-00AA004A5691}" "" "CLSID_LDAPNamespace" "LDAPNamespace is the component object model identifier of the LDAPNamespace class"
"{8B20CD60-0F29-11CF-ABC4-02608C9E7553}" "" "CLSID_WinNT" "WinNT is the component object model identifier of the WinNT class"
"{250E91A0-0367-11CF-ABC4-02608C9E7553}" "" "CLSID_WinNTNamespace" "WinNTNamespace is the component object model identifier of the WinNTNamespace class"
"{4753DA60-5B71-11CF-B035-00AA006E0975}" "" "CLSID_ADs" "ADs is the component object model identifier of the ADs class"
"{549365D0-EC26-11CF-8310-00AA00B505DB}" "" "CLSID_ADsDSOObject" "ADsDSOObject is the component object model identifier of the ADsDSOObject class"
"{233664B0-0367-11CF-ABC4-02608C9E7553}" "" "CLSID_ADsNamespaces" "ADsNamespaces is a component object model class identifier"
"{50B6327F-AFD1-11D2-9CB9-0000F87A369E}" "" "CLSID_ADSystemInfo" "ADSystemInfo is a component object model class identifier"
"{E0FA581D-2188-11D2-A739-00C04FA377A1}" "" "CLSID_ADsOLEDB" "ADsOLEDB is a component object model class identifier"
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