LTEXT "Vyberte ovlada zvukov karty zakrtnutm polka u pslunho ovladae. Kdy nezakrtnete ani jeden ovlada, zvuk se vypne. Vybrat vce jak jeden ovlada se nedoporuuje. Detailn vlastnosti ovladae mete upravit pravm kliknutm na zvolen ovlada.",IDC_STATIC,15,20,227,50
CONTROL "Zazen",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,65,140,127
LTEXT "Whlen Sie einen Sound-Treiber durch ankreuzen des gewnschten Treibers. Ist kein Treiber ausgewhlt, wird der Sound deaktiviert. Die Auswahl mehrerer Treiber ist nicht empfohlen. Ein Treiber kann durch Rechtsklicken konfiguriert werden.",IDC_STATIC,15,15,227,35
CONTROL "Gerte",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,50,140,140
LTEXT "Vlasszon egy hangmeghajtt a kivlasztott meghajtprogram eltti ngyzet bejllsvel. A hang letilthat, ha nem jell be egy meghajtt sem. Tbb meghajtprogram bejellse nem ajnlott. Az sszes meghajt bellthat, ha rjuk kattint jobb egrgombbal.",IDC_STATIC,15,15,227,35
CONTROL "Eszkzk",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,50,140,140
LTEXT "Select a sound driver by checking the box of the desired driver. Disable sound by not selecting any driver. Selection of multiple drivers is not recommended. Configure a driver by right-clicking on it.",IDC_STATIC,15,20,227,30
CONTROL "Devices",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,50,140,140
LTEXT "Select a sound driver by checking the box of the desired driver. Disable sound by not selecting any driver. Selection of multiple drivers is not recommended. Configure a driver by right-clicking on it.",IDC_STATIC,15,20,227,30
CONTROL "Devices",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,50,140,140
LTEXT "Select a sound driver by checking the box of the desired driver. Disable sound by not selecting any driver. Selection of multiple drivers is not recommended. Configure a driver by right-clicking on it.",IDC_STATIC,15,20,227,30
CONTROL "Dispozitive",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,50,140,140
PUSHBUTTON "Panoul de control",IDC_AUDIO_CONTROL_PANEL,170,50,59,14
LTEXT "Select a sound driver by checking the box of the desired driver. Disable sound by not selecting any driver. Selection of multiple drivers is not recommended. Configure a driver by right-clicking on it.",IDC_STATIC,15,20,227,30
CONTROL "Devices",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,50,140,140
LTEXT "stediiniz srcnn kutusunu iaretleyerek bir ses srcs sein. Hibir src semeyerek sesi etkisizletirebilirsiniz. Birden fazla src seimi nerilmez. zerine sa tklayarak bir srcy yaplandrn.",IDC_STATIC,15,20,227,30
CONTROL "Aygtlar",IDC_AUDIO_TREE,"SysTreeView32",WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,15,50,140,140